1.Introduction- Positive and Negative effects of Birth Control towards women's health
a. Brief explanation of issue Birth control has so many different effects on women's health, and There needs to be an evaluation on the pros and cons of birth control to determine whether or not. The cons outweigh the pros or vice-versa and help educate on better, more natural ways to
Prevent pregnancy.
b. Main arguments to be explored in the essay
i. Supporting argument 1 Pros of birth control, and the benefits it may bring to those with Hormonal issues (PCOS, irregular periods, etc)
ii.Supporting argument 2 Cons of birth control, and the negative side effects birth control Can have on women's health
c. Clear argumentative thesis statement setting out essay’s position Because there are more natural Ways to prevent pregnancy, this should be the primary focus to help optimize women's health.
However, there is clear research that states that birth control can be beneficial to women who Suffer from irregular periods, or hormonal imbalances.
2.Supporting Argument 1 Pros of birth control, and the benefits it may bring to those with hormonal issues
a.Topic sentence clearly setting out argument
b.Explanation So much research stating the importance that birth control can bring many health. Benefits towards women's health, specifically for women with irregular periods, and those with Hormonal imbalance
e.Rounding off
3.Supporting Argument 2 Cons of birth control, and negative side effects birth Control can bring on women's health
a.Topic sentence clearly setting out argument
b.Explanation Like all medication, birth control has side effects that can really negatively affect Women's health including nausea, headaches, etc.
a.Topic sentence acknowledging valid and/or common counter arguments Because there are more natural Ways to prevent pregnancy, this should be the primary focus to help optimize women's health. However, there is clear research that states that birth control can be beneficial to women Who Suffer from irregular periods, or hormonal imbalances.
b.Explanation of counterargument
c.Answer to counterargument
i.Explain why argument is wrong or invalid
ii.If argument is not wrong or invalid, explain why your arguments are still more convincing
iii.Use support/evidence
d.Rounding off
a.Brief recap of main points
b.Explain the wider implication
i.What can the reader do? Educate on the importance of more natural birth control, and be An advocate for those who may benefit from a more natural form of birth control for their Benefit towards their health.
ii.Can action be taken? The way action can be taken is through educating on the significance Birth control has towards women's health
iii.Why does the issue matter? This issue matters because women already go through so Much, why should there be more to put on a woman's plate like birth control that yes, is Beneficial but brings more health issues than without.
iv.What is the superior result of following your argument? Birth control has many benefits for Those who need it, however, there should be more emphasis on more natural ways of Birth control (condoms, abstinence, etc.) because of the side effects hormonal birth control Can have towards women's health.