The following terms relevant to the stories and time periods we have studied thus far will be represented on the midterm in a number of ways. On the midterm you could be asked to identify some or all of the terms below. You may be asked to match an item to its definition. Some will be represented by short answer questions, and others will be assessed through fill-in-the blank questions.
1. Rood
2. 449 A.D.
3. Angles, Saxons, and
4. Proto-Indo-European
5. William the
6. Scop
7. Frauenlied
8. “earth-treader”
9. Wyrd
10. Wergild
11. Heorot
12. Kenning
13. Comitatus Ethos
14. Grendel
15. Cain
16. Hrunting
17. Frame Story
18. William Caxton
19. Estates Satire
20. Lancelot
21. Chivalry
22. Radix malorum est
23. Pardoner
24. Liar’s Paradox
25. Elegy
26. “loathly lady” tale
27. Hrothgar
28. Epic vaunt
29. 1066 A.D.
30. Protestant
31. War of the Roses
32. Feudal System
33. Humanism
34. Henry VIII
Quote Identification: On the midterm you will be asked to identify several passages, and for each you will write a respectable paragraph that explains the meaning of the passage as well as its significance to the rest of the work it was taken from. Beyond the significance, include in your paragraph the following information: the title of the work, the author (unless it doesn’t have one), the importance of the author(or work, if the work is anonymous) in the canon of English literature, the overall meaning and significance of the work itself, and the genre. The quote identifications on the midterm will come from the ones listed below. Not all of the ones listed below will be on the midterm.
1. “As God is my witness,
I would rather my body were robed in the same burning blaze as my gold-giver’s body than go back home bearing arms. That is unthinkable, unless we have first slain the foe and defended the life of the prince of the Weather-Geats. I well know the things he has done for us deserve better. Should he alone be left exposed to fall in battle? We must bond together, shield and helmet, mail-shirt and sword.”
2. “Now goode men, God foryive you youre trespass, And ware you fro the sinne of avarice: Myn holy pardon may you alle warice – So that ye offer nobles or sterlinges, Or elles silver brooches, spoones, ringes. Boweth your heed under this holy bulle! Cometh up, ye wives, offreth of youre wolle! Youre name I entre here in my rolle: anoon Into the blisse of hevene shul ye goon. I you assoile by myn heigh power – Ye that wol offer – as clene and eek as cleer As ye were born.”
3. “But for ye speken of swich gentilesse As is descended out of old richesse – That therfore sholden ye be gentilmen – Swich arrogance is nat worth an hen. Looke who that is most virtuous alway, Privee and apert, and most entendeth ay To do the gentil deedes that he can, Taak him for the gretteste gentilman. Crist wol we claime of him oure gentilesse, Nat of oure eldres for hir ‘old richesse.’”