Managerial thought and practice have a history that extends to the earliest civilizations. Topics include an investigation of how management thinking has reflected changing social, economic, cultural, and political circumstances organizations have faced. Prevailing theories of management and the progression of management from a historical perspective will be surveyed.
The course is research intensive. Application of the research to present day is required. Students will review management thought and analyze current management theory. Current management theories used by businesses will be addressed and analyzed. The student will apply the knowledge garnered from their research to current management thought.
APA 7th edition Guidelines and Examples of Research Papers:
LIRN databases (found under ‘Library Resources’ in Blackboard).Millions of peer-reviewed and full-text journal, magazine, and newspaper articles, e-books, podcasts, audio, and video resources. Of particular use is ABI/Inform, whose coverage gives researchers a complete picture of companies and business trends around the world.
The OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue. A wealth of information about the writing process, covering from Starting the writing process to Creating a thesis statement to Evaluating sources of information to APA formatting and style guide for citations and references.
The Writer's Handbook From the University of Wisconsin/Madison. Includes links to several style manuals.
Citation Machine™.Citation Machine™ helps students and researchers to properly credit the information that they use. Its primary goal is to make it so easy for student researchers to cite their information sources, that there is virtually no reason not to. Because someday the information that someone else wants to use will be yours.” Use this to set up your reference list.
EasyBib Another web site to help set up your reference list.
The research paper due in this course has a minimum length of 15 pages, not including the Title Page, Abstract, and Reference Page.
The research paper reviews the evolution management thought. People, events, and periods/eras (explained in the textbook) are included in the research paper. The evolution of management thought weaves its way through Stages 1-4 and in Stage 3 current management thought is explained in the research paper. Stage 4 allows the student to review current legislation that affects management in the ‘Age of Transparency’ In Stage 4 the student will create thoughts about the future evolution of management thought or affirm or reject current management thought.
The majority of the references must be peer reviewed articles from scholarly journals. A minimum of five peer reviewed articles is required. Your paper should have a minimum of 10 references. Wikipedia, Investopedia, and newspaper articles are not acceptable.
Please review the following research websites. You will note these are free sites offered by a few of the best business schools in the world. Because your work will be as strong as the foundation and the substantiation you offer your audience in the form of academic evidence, your academic presentations (i.e., papers and oral presentations) will be more scholarly and academic if you support your main ideas through academic evidence derived from these sites.