This is a group activity (you will receive a group grade) that will explore your role as a political advocate. In a small group of 3-4 you will conduct an assessment and evaluation of a current California state proposed legislation (i.e. a bill) related to health. The group will assess and evaluate the implications of the chosen political bill. The project must include all of the sections listed below. Any material obtained in completing this project should be included in the appendix of your joint paper. The project must be typed and based on APA 5th ed. Format. Include documentation that the group sent to your political representative and to a community-based forum. The analysis portion of this project (i.e. the part written by the students) should be between 8-10 pages long (at least 2,000 words and at least eight professional references) and will be submitted to A word of caution: only this portion of the assignment and the bibliography should be submitted to
1. Summarize the bill in your own words (i.e. main purpose for the legislation including problem or issue is supposed to address; manner in which the legislation intends to help address the issue). Include pertinent information about the author of the bill, including party affiliation and district number.
2. Describe your view about the proposed legislation including your rationale for choosing this bill and for supporting it or opposing it.
3. Describe the history of the bill and the impetus behind it. You should be able to obtain this information by visiting the author’s website, looking at the bill analysis posted on the California legislative site or by calling or e-mailing the author of the bill.
7. Explain the public health significance (e.g. epidemiologic statistics about the problem or issue the bill purports to address) social aspects (e.g. socioeconomic status, educational level, gender, religion of individuals who may be impacted by the law, etc.), political questions (e.g. political parties, support or opposition of special interests groups, for example: some industries that may be affected by the proposed legislation etc.) ethical concerns (e.g. issues of equity, justice, respect for privacy, autonomy), economic impact (e.g. fiscal consequences, financial burden for individuals or businesses, etc.), and professional issues (e.g. impact on health care providers or other professionals, views of healthcare groups such as The American Nurses Association, The American Medical Association, etc.) that may be related to the proposed law. Provide professional documentation for your arguments. Some of these issues may tend to overlap. However, it is important that the paper will include relevant discussion of all these factors.
8. Identify individuals and/or organizations that support or oppose the potential legislation. Research the position of each side and briefly describe the rationale for their stand. Attach any written materials that may support your analysis in the appendix.
9. Brief, meaningful conclusion.