1. Recognize the two primary goals of probation and parole (P/P).
2. Understand modes of treatment in P/P.
3. Learn about theory.
4. Know the three basic theoretical models for treatment in P/P.
5 Understand the importance of the unconscious in psychoanalytic theory.
6. Learn the three stages of psychological development through which a person passes.
7. Recognize types of deviant behavior that can be traced to stages of development.
8. Learn the three psychic phenomena that develop during the stages of psychological development.
9. Understand why the superego is so important.
10. Know the methods of social casework.
11. Understand motivational interviewing.
12. Understand the behaviorist view of antisocial behavior.
13. Know why operant conditioning is difficult to apply in P/P.
14. Understand what is meant by cognitive behavior therapy.
15. Learn how aversive therapy is used in treatment.
16. Know the goal of reality therapy.
17. Learn the advantages of group work.
18. Recognize what neutralization explains about delinquents.
19. Learn the basic view of differential association.
20. Recognize what neutralization explains about delinquents.
21. Understand what is meant by differential opportunity.
22. Learn when according to social control theory delinquency results.
23. Appreciate the impact of labeling theory.
24. Learn what the theory of drift says about juvenile delinquents.
The focus of assessment on the gathering and interpretation of information
Assessment determines the nature of the client’s
Current situation: strengths and resources
Client interviews provide the basis for a relationship between the client and P/P officer (PPO)
PPOs should treat clients with respect and understand clients may have a negative attitude and resist the caseworker’s efforts
To lessen resistance, workers may discuss the client’s feelings about being on probation or parole
Transference and countertransference
Caseworkers prepare a social assessment or social history of the client
background information on how the client adjusted to prior challenges Planning
Planning phase converts the assessment into a goal statement
Nature of the problems and goals sought by the client
Nature of the person
Nature and purpose of the agency and kind of help it can offer or make available
In P/P the plan provides a basis for holding the offender accountable for his or her efforts toward achieving a productive and law-abiding lifestyle
The action phase involves activity designed to bring about change in a systematic way
In P/P it may be limited by statue or agency regulation
Social caseworkers in a correctional setting must require clients to keep appointments, provide personal information, and pay fees
The plan should aid the offender in being successful on probation and parole and in society
Three basic techniques: change the environment, ego support, and clarification
Effecting a change in the environment may involve obtaining needed resources
Increasing offender employment, expanding offender social support system, and facilitating access to programming
PPO should act as a advocate and intervene on behalf of clients
Should try to promote independence on the part of the client
Ego support can be carried out by expressions of interest, sympathy, and confidence by the P/PO
Especially important to teach the client how to appropriately deal with problems
PPO may also be supportive of the client’s family, parents, or spouse
Clarification is sometimes called counseling
Includes providing information that will help the client see what steps should be taken in various situations
PPO may ask questions and make suggestions designed to help the client think through the problem and deal with it in a realistic manner
Motivational interviewing helps people explore and resolve ambivalence about changing specific, maladaptive behaviors
Particularly useful when working with resistive offenders
MI five basic principles:
Behavior modification concludes behavior is strengthened or weakened by its consequences
Operational conditioning
Cognitive behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT= believing, thinking, and expecting
Idea that defective thinking can cause emotional and behavioral disorders
Offender lacks social competence to respond appropriately
CBT uses role play, graduated rehearsal, and practice to change the thinking which leads to behavior
Reality Therapy
Contracts and plans