For this assignment, you will be expected to create a lesson plan for one of the following two choices:
1) a 1-hour university freshman introductory course on RCRA, focusing on how to identify hazardous waste as defined under RCRA and a discussion of the responsibilities of each member of the regulated community under RCRA (generator, transporter, treatment/storage/disposal (TSD) facility).
2) A 1-hour university freshman introductory course on the history of the safety profession. The content of this lesson should include at a minimum discussion of the OSHAct, the drivers behind the enactment of the OSHAct, and some discussion of some of the major events, organizations and people who contributed to our profession in its early days. (This one will actually be harder to do if you are trying to find ways to engage and incorporate interactive activities into the lesson plan.)
As your begin work on your lesson plan, determine the best teaching methods you can use to present this information to the learners. Remember, straight lecture may not always be the best approach for engaging your audience over this time frame and a variety of methods such as class discussion, small group work, hands-on activities, etc. may be helpful. Ensure your lesson plan is clear on your teaching methods that you are using throughout your lesson plan- and you can use multiple teaching methods.
Your lesson plan should be CREATIVE and eye catching, yet easy to follow and understand (so that someone else could pick it up and carry out your class). Remember to include at a minimum, a title for the class, properly written goals and objectives, any prerequisites or skills needed prior to the lesson, materials, content (with time estimates), and an assessment tool. Make sure your lesson plan includes at least one interactive exercise or activity to engage the learners.
Incorporate ways to “practice” the skills or content they are learning. The learning objectives should be appropriately written. As you develop your lesson plan, continuously think about ways to engage the learner and think about ways to meet various learning styles. (Refer back to the presentation we covered in class today to guide you on what to include in a lesson plan.) In addition to submitting your lesson plan, submit your evaluation tool that you will be using (e.g., quiz, activities, etc). Ensure that the evaluation tool assesses the objectives appropriately. Attach this as the last page of your lesson plan.
1. Given an unlabeled diagram of the Heinrich accident sequence and the diagram labels, the supervisors will be able to match the labels to their appropriate places in the diagram.
2. The supervisors will be able to identify by naming the block or domino within the sequence that represents the factor in the Heinrich sequence that Heinrich believes all accident prevention efforts should be directed to prevent the accident from recurring.
3. The supervisors will be able to insert (by drawing a rectangle within the sequence) the location within the sequence where the use of PPE fits.
4. The supervisors will be able to list four disadvantages of using the Heinrich philosophy in accident investigations.
. Objectives: The students will be able to:
1. Given an unlabeled diagram of the Heinrich accident sequence and the diagram labels, match the labels to their appropriate places in the diagram.
2. Identify by naming the block or domino within the sequence that represents the factor in the Heinrich sequence, which Heinrich believes all accident prevention efforts, should be directed to prevent the accident from occurring.
3. Insert (by drawing a rectangle within the sequence) the location within the sequence where the use of PPE fits.
4. Name four of the five injury prevention activities that a person using Heinrich’s philosophy is limited to.
5. The supervisors will be able to list four disadvantages of using the Heinrich philosophy in accident investigations.
II. Pre-Heinrich History
A. Prior to safety movement the cause of accidents was believed to be:
1. Employee negligence
2. Co-Worker negligence (supervisors were considered coworkers)
3. Given part of production
4. Acts of God
B. In 1911 the declared constitutionality of workers compensation laws caused employers to try to prevent accidents. Prior to WC laws, injured workers had to sue their employers to receive any compensation. WC laws require employers to pay no matter who is responsible.
C. Until Heinrich presented his sequence, accident prevention efforts were disorganized.