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Comparing Project Management Methodologies: PMBoK, PRINCE2 and Agile

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes Successful completion of this assignment will result in achievement of the following subject learning outcomes:

1. Understand PMBOK knowledge areas and process groups and their role, relevance and impact on project management best practice and PMI's Code of Ethics.

2. Critically compare and contrast project management approaches and their appropriateness for managing a variety of project
types, including IT projects.

3. Apply appropriate project management (including IT project management) tools and techniques, paying particular attention to risk management.

There are several project management methodologies that are used in contemporary project management. Each has certain specific elements that its proponents say make it easier to use, more applicable, more robust or other utilities. While these methodologies are all valid and reliable tools for a project manager to use, it is important to be able to contrast them and to form a view of how they might best be used in a project. This includes their usefulness, application in various types of projects and how they view project risk. This assessment has two parts:

(a) You will be placed in a group by your lecturer. In that group in weeks 4 and 5 of the term you will need to read about PMBoK, PRINCE2 and Agile to learn more about their use, application and how they treat project risk. You will also need to read about the similarities and differences between them. The group needs to be divided into two halves. Each half must select either PMBoK or PRINCE2 or Agile to defend. This defence” takes the form of discussions between your group members in weeks 4 and 5 of the term. You do not need produce anything from this exercise, but you do need to take notes for yourself. These notes will help you complete your individual assessment in
part (b) below.

(b) Individually, you will need to write a 1,200 - word report that compares and contrasts discussions that you had in your group. The report must use the following headings:

1. Introduction to PMBoK, Agile and/or PRINCE2 (only 2) (their background and historical context)

2. Similarities between them

3. Differences between them

4. How each method treats project risk

5. In which types of projects each is used

6. Reference list (6 to 12 references) You will need to consult the literature and use at least 6 references (and not more than 12 references) from academic and industry sources. The word count does not include the reference list. Each reference must be in-text cited in your report. The word count is +/- 10%.

The assessment requires that you submit your report via the Learning Management System. You do not need to upload anything relating to your group discussions in weeks 4 and 5.

1. Discuss the strengths, weaknesses, similarities and contrasts of PMBoK and PRINC2 in your allocated group in weeks 4 and 5. This discussion can be done in your own time, at your convenience and using the format that you prefer (e.g. email, phone, Zoom, online, etc.). The purpose of this is to simply enter into a discussion based on your readings and

What you have learned in the subject about these two methodologies. This discussion will help inform your actual assessment, which is the individual report.

 1. Introduction to PMBoK, Agile and/or PRINCE2 (only 2) (their background and historical context)

2. Similarities between them

3. Differences between them

4. How each method treats project risk

5. In which types of projects each is use

6. Reference list

Output and Submission:

Submit your completed assessment by the end of module 3 (Week 6) on Blackboard.

Jamali, G., & Oveisi, M. (2016). A study on project management based on PMBOK and PRINCE2. Modern Applied Science, 10(6), 142-146. Matos, S., & Lopes, E. (2013). Prince2 or PMBOK–a question of choice. Procedia Technology,

9(2), 787-794. Rehacek, P. (2017). Application and usage of the standards for project management and their comparison. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12(4), 994-1002.

Assessment Criteria:

The assessment will be graded using the Learning Rubrics below. This is an individual assignment and it is worth 35%
