Watch Videos and Fill in the Blanks: The 1920's
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Part 1 Video: The 1920's Part 1
Part 2 Video: The 1920's Part 2
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The 1920’s Part 1:
President Harding
1. Return to _____________________after WW1. He is a fan of ________________aire economics. Let the economy take care of itself. Let business take care of itself. ___________________________does not need to get involved.
2. Teapot Dome Scandal:
- One of his problems was appointing his personal _____________________to be in his __________________________
- He used the spoils system.
- Scandals like this lead to Americans distrusting the ___________________and mistrusting the _________________
3. Economic Prosperity:
- Reduction in taxes, increased _________________.
- Henry Ford and the automobile is going to revolutionize how manufacturing is done with ______________
- This makes it more efficient and a ___________________________way to put together the automobile.
4. Glenn Curtis: aviation
- he convinces the Navy to buy their first ____________________ He also creates a flying _________________a sea plane, and the first airplane to cross the ________________
5. Social Issues
- Red Scare: Anytime you see Red and the Red Scare it is talking about ________________We are going to have a fear of anarchists or _________________trying to overtake the country.
- The Palmer Raids: an Italian anarchists set off a_______________outside of the Attorney General _________________It was part of a series of attacks on other public officials and taking over the government. Palmer goes on a series of _________________and they round up four thousand suspects without ________________They arrest most of these men for plotting to overthrow the government. Most were released but a few hundred were ________________This is an example of hysteria and _____________with the Red Scare.
- Sacco and Vanzetti: Example of suspicion of _______________They were Italian immigrants. They were convicted of committing _______________during a robbery which was done to get funds for an anarchist ______________They ended up convicting and executing them.
6. Concerns with immigration and rise of nativism: Nativism is the dislike of ________________
- A number of immigration acts are being passed which are going to be ____________on the number of people that can come in from We still have a ban on __________________ immigration. Germany, Ireland, and Great Britain have larger ________________that can come in from those countries. But from Eastern Europe and Southern Europe we have ___________________quotas.
7. Racism:
- The Great Migration: 2 million African Americans from the _____________where racism is more prominent, and they’re going to move to the __________________and Midwest where they can find _______________and hope to be treated better. Because of the movement to this area, there is a resurgence of the ________________They were hostile to both African Americans and ________________ Catholics and Jews. Still a lot of ____________________and encouraged segregation in the South.
- Marcus Garvey: he advocates for________________unity and the back to __________________ movement, where he encouraged African Americans to return to _________________ especially the country of Liberia.
- Eugenics and Social Darwinism: Eugenics is the idea or belief that the human _________________can be improved through ________________
- Social Darwinism believed different human races competed for ________________just like plants and animals do in the natural world. Some people felt that the race that was the _____________were the ones that were surviving in terms of their economics and _________________of their society. Some of these ideas spread from the US into _________________ , we will see it with Nazi Germany.
The 1920’s Part 2:
Culture of the 1920’s
Scopes Trial: also known as the ________________
- Idea of Traditionalism vs. _____________________
- A teacher wanted to teach ______________________in science class. He was arrested for teaching it and then he was put on _________________
- It drew attention because Williams Jennings Bryan is a special prosecutor that is important in politics and Clarence Darrow who _________________
- The trial was broadcast over the national _______________ Scopes was _____________of teaching evolution and was fined $1.00.
- Big deal because it was going from the traditional teaching of the ___________to more modern ideas.
- Started at the end of the 1800’s , they saw that__________caused poverty and crime.
- A lot of _________________fought for prohibition.
- Passed in _________________
- Some groups did not like it because they thought it imposed one groups moral beliefs on another.
- Issues from Prohibition: people losing jobs because breweries, saloons and liquor industry shut down, rise of ________________crime, with mobsters. They were going to find a way to get alcohol to Americans.
Role of Women:
- During the 1920’s, women get the right to _____________which gives them a new ______________
- There are new household ________________that is going to reduce the amount of work they have to do.
- More women are going to _______________and more are going to ______________so they get more economic independence.
- This is going to lead to a change in ______________and ________________
- They are wearing dresses that are shorter and more revealing, they are known as
Literature and Music
Resurgence of literature and music.
- The Harlem _________________-a major literary movement for the African American community. Langston Hughes is a major He shows pride in his heritage and addresses issues such as ________________in our country through literature.
Tin Pan Alley:
- Musical movement. It is in ___________________It is where Blues, ____________and ragtime music were all melded together.
Rise of entertainment:
- more appliances made you have more _______________and more time to do things like take care of your home.
- There is a rise in mass________________________
- People start listening to ___________________
- People go to baseball games and watching Babe _________________ play baseball.
- People have time to go to the __________________and see Charlie Chaplin in a silent ____________________
- Idea of celebrity. Charles _____________is the biggest celebrity of the 1920’s because he is the first person to _____across the ________Ocean by himself.
Which is the correct answer on the “How might this era be assessed question”? ______________