Please choose and address two items from the following:
215- You are treating a husband and wife. The husband says that he always pays attention to what his wife tells him about her feelings but feels that she does not respect his. She cuts him off and claims that she most certainly listens to what he says and that he should appreciate how attentive she really is. Identify the report and command communications in this scenario.
222- Which would feel more comfortable to you as a family therapist: defining the family’s problem before the session starts, or getting your cues from their unfolding discussion? Why?
Haley believes that symptoms are indirect strategies for controlling a relationship while at the same time denying that one is voluntarily doing so (e.g., mother becomes ill and cannot be left alone when her adolescent daughter wants to go out for the evening). Can you cite an example from your own experiences? As a therapist what intervention might you make to address this symptom/strategy?
232- What were the rituals surrounding the evening meal in your home when you were young? Did you eat together regularly? What topic could be discussed? What topics were off limits and avoided? Did people sit in special places on a regular basis? Who was served first?