BUS403 Negotiations and Conflict Management
It should be about humanitarian intervention please use hyperlinks not more than 8 for this. Look at the guideline attached You can formulate your own question, I will just give you some key questions that can help to formulate your own question
1. What is the impact of humanitarian interventions on war?
2. Can humanitarian interventions in war ever be non-political?
3. “Empire in denial”? Do the ‘new wars’ thesis and the ‘responsibility to protect’ embody efforts to legitimate neo-imperialism in the developing world?
Please use a case study on Rwanda such as : How far can it be argued that humanitarian intervention in Rwanda was a fail ( this is just an idea) or Why did the US not intervene earlier? Or what was the motivation for humanitarian intervention is Rwanda
AS1: Blog
The first assessed work is a 500-600 word blog piece responding to an issue raised in the lecture or tutorial. Don’t reproduce the lecture. The style of the blog should have an academic focus but be presented in the form of a journalistic/newspaper article. Blogs in the Financial Times, The Guardian or the World Bank provide helpful examples. The World Bank blog website is: https://blogs.worldbank.org/
Marks will be awarded for:
1. Identifying an original perspective or question (‘how’, ‘why’ or ‘how and why’ questions are best as they lead to more interesting analysis and less pure description)
2. Framing the topic appropriately, placing suitable parameters for a 500-600 word piece
3. Presenting an accessible narrative
4. Effectively hyperlinking relevant online resources
Blogs should be submitted as a Word file with between three to five hyperlinks to internet resources as references. Relevant resources could include blogs on issues of development as well as websites. Include a bibliography for all sources used (this will not be part of the word count).
Authors of blogs that gain a distinction mark will have the option of publishing them on the course moodle page or department blog site.