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Guidelines for Writing an Essay on California Society in the 1920s or the Impact of the New Deal on

Essay Requirements

Guidelines (Read Carefully- The grading rubric is based on the directions and guidelines) The essay must have a clear thesis statement. The thesis statement must be supported by 3 main points. The main points must be supported by very specificverifiable facts, data, and/or evidence. Provide historical context with dates, events, time period, and time frame. The essay must be double spaced, 12 point font, and margins set at “Normal”.

The essay must be a minimum of 2 pages and no more than 4 pages, not including the list of sources. The class textbook must be cited at least once in the essay. Please do not directly quote either the instructor or a member of the class. You must cite at least one outside source in the essay.

All direct quotes, ideas, and facts pulled directly from a source, as well as all statistics, must be properly cited. Minimum of 5 paragraphs. Avoid absolute statements and hyperbole- both are difficult to support with facts, data, and/or evidence. Avoid using more than two single sentence quotesin the entire essay. I want to read what you have to say, not another author.

Essay Prompts: Respond to one of the following prompts. Analyze how California society in the 1920s reflected both a move toward modernity and as well as a reaffirming of traditional values. Be sure to create clear historical context. Support your ideas and statements with very specific facts, details and examples. Analyze the impact of the New Deal on one ethnic group in California. Support your answer with very specific facts, details and examples.

Be sure to place your ideas in clear historical context. Compare and contrast the actions and intentions of reformers during the Progressive Era with New Dealers in California during the Great Depression. Support your answer with very specific facts, details and examples. Be sure to place your ideas in clear historical context.

Citing Sources Use parenthetical MLA style citations with a citation page at the end of the essay. Use a citation page to list all of your sources. How to Cite Sources with MLA Parenthetical Citation Citing the Textbook or Other Print Books: On Citation Page- Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. City of Publisher, Publisher, Date Published. In Essay- (Author Pg. Number)

Example: (Takaki 12) Citing Class Notes: On Citation Page- Class Notes, date In Essay- (Class Notes, date) Example: (Class Notes, 3/11/20) Citing In-Class Films: On Citation Page- Name of Film, date In Essay- (Name of Film, date) Example: (The Civil War, 2/21/20) Citing Online Sources: On Citation Page- Author’s Name, “Title of Article”, Website, Pg. #, Date, web address. In Essay- (Author, Pg. #) Example: On Citation Page- Schneider, Gregory S. ,“Senate, White House reach deal on $2 trillion stimulus package”,

In Essay- (Schneider, pg.1) *Note- If a page number is not available, no need to include one. Examples of Parenthetical Citation in Essays

Example 1: Historical scholarship focusing on a single ethnic group doesn’t present the whole of the American experience (Takaki 6).

Example 2: It’s been said, “Missing is the big picture” (Takaki 6).

Example 3: According to Takaki, “Missing is the big picture” (6).
