(Fill in the blanks) The symbol called the ________ is used in derivations to explicitly indicate that a ________ has been derived.
1. (Pick one) How many lines should be cited for an application of⊥I?
a. one
b. two
c. three
2. How many lines should be cited for an application of¬I?
a. one
b. two
c. three
3. Can negation introduction (¬I) be used to derive any type of formula other than a negation?
a. yes
b. no
4. Can negation elimination (¬E) be used to derive a negation?
a. yes
b. no
Complete each of the following derivations by filling in the missing justification for each line.
(Choose from ⊥I, &I, vIL, vIR, —>I, ¬I, &EL, &ER, vE, —>E, ⊥E, ¬E)
1. J —> (N & M)) Premise
2. (K —> ¬N) Premise
3. K Premise
4. J Assumption
5. ¬N Goal
6. (N & M) Goal
7. N Goal
8. ⊥ Goal
9. ¬J Goal
5. Justification for Line 5
_____: ______, _______
6. Justification for Line 6
_____: ______, _______
7. Justification for Line 7
_____: ______
8. Justification for Line 8
_____: ______, _______
9. Justification for Line 9
_____: ______
Complete the justification for the given lines.
10. Justification for Line 5
______: ______, _______
11. Justification for Line 6
______: ______
12. Justification for Line 7
______: ______
13. Justification for Line 8
______: ______, _______
14. Justification for Line 9
______: ______, _______
15. Justification for line 10
______: ______, _______
16. Justification for Line 11
______: ______
What are the contradictions that will be candidates for any application of an indirect rule in each of the following derivations? I.e., what candidate contradictions are supplied by the premises?
N.B Goal
Which ones are they?
n.T Goal
Which ones are they?
Solve The Derivations and include the justifications: (P=Premise, G=Goal)
Problem 1: (14 lines)
N. (P & R) G
Problem 2: (10 lines)
N. ((K —> J) v (J —> K)) G
Problem 3: (6 lines)
N. Q G
Problem 4: (12 lines)
n.T G
Problem 5: (8 lines)
N.¬((R —> F) & (R & ¬F)) P
Problem 6: (7 lines)
n.¬Q G
Problem 7: (9 lines)
n.¬R G
Problem 8: (15 lines)
n.B G
Problem 9: (20 or 18 lines)
n.(¬P v (Q v S)) G
Problem 10: (13 lines)
n.(Q & ¬¬A) G