HPH 562 Population Health Analytics
Make an appointment to talk with a health provider at your local health department. Try to arrange a time to shadow a provider (preferably an NP, nurse educator or administrator if possible) for 2-4 hours with the objective to understand how public health and primary care should work together. Because this may take some time to set up, start early. This may be graded later in the course with permission of the instructor. You will also explore population health problems for your region and state legislative initiatives that address these community problems.
Ask the public health contact the following questions:
1. What are the population health problems in your area?
2. What are state level initiatives to correct the problems?
Based on your HD visit and scholarly research on the topics, post your thorough findings on the population health problems and corresponding state level initiatives for your community by Sunday. Include at least one EBP resource for each health problem and indicate how public health problems can be addressed in primary care.