A major component of your grade for this course will be a research paper. Imagine you have been asked by the central government in Beijing to advise them on an important problem facing China today and suggest a policy intervention. Your paper must be persuasive and well-researched, drawing primarily on articles from the academic literature in political science, economics, sociology, etc. You can also use some material from popular media (magazines and newspapers) and our textbook. I would like you to cite at least six total sources. Four of them should be peer-reviewed academic journal articles. The other two can be from non-academic sources. Since the Chinese economy changes rapidly, try to use sources published within the last ten years. Feel free to use more than 6 sources, but be sure that every source you cite in the bibliography is referenced in your paper.
Clearly identify the problem you plan to address.
Describe how the problem came about. What was the historical, political, and economic context?
Describe how the problem has affected China in the past and how it will affect China’s future development.
Suggest a policy the central government could adopt and explain how that would address the problem
Raise at least one objection to your own policy and then rebut it
These are some potential topics for your research paper. If there is a topic you are interested in but does not appear in this list, let me know by email or during office hours and we can discuss it.
Air pollution
Rural-urban migration and inequality
Intellectual property rights and foreign investment
Currency policy and trade
The social safety net (social security, unemployment insurance, etc...)
The paper should be between 8 and 10 pages long, double-spaced with 1 inch margins on every side and 12 point font standard font (e.g. times new roman). Citations should be done according to the Chicago author-date style. You can find a detailed citation guide on our Canvas website. In addition to the final draft, you will be required to submit a proposal, annotated bibliography, and two rough drafts.
Once rough drafts have been collected, you will be assigned a partner and exchange papers. You will provide insightful comments on your partner’s draft, providing constructive criticism where appropriate and suggesting additional avenues they might want to explore. The quality of the feedback you provide will be reflected in your final paper grade. Final drafts must be turned in no later than the day of our final exam.