Expand your research from the Policy Identification and Analysis assignment in Week 3. For local or state policy references, research city, county or appropriate state government websites. For federal policy references, the following websites may support additional research options.
Governmental Accounting Office.
Public Agenda.
RAND Corporation.
Policy Library.
American Enterprise Institute.
Cato Institute.
Economic Policy Institute.
The Heritage Foundation.
Use the policy you selected from the Policy Identification and Analysis assignment in Week 3 to research a published study related to your chosen area of focus. Then, prepare an Executive Summary with the following criteria listed for this assignment.
1.Establish the purpose(s) of the executive summary.
2.Provide the background to the issue.
3.Discuss the results of the research, identifying the models used to obtain the results.
4.Discuss appropriate economic predictors.
5.Propose at least two reliable, implementable recommendations.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Appropriately incorporate at least two quality sources. A quality source can be either grey literature, such as a news article, or scholarly, such as peer reviewed/professional industry references. In the case of public administration, government or nonprofit websites are appropriate quality resources.