This project is designed to help the student better understand the process of Reverse Engineering, along with the Engineering Design Process and fundamental competency in Inventor.
The project includes 3 sections:
1.Informal Technical Report
2.Drafting in Inventor
Informal Technical Report
1.Complete an Infomal Technical Report - Create the report in a WORD Document:
*Document should follow the below format and answer the questions
*Be informative and elaborate on information.
*State the Group or Team name; list Group or Team member(s) on the Title Page.
-Prior to drafting your object, take the object apart, measure each part of the object and the features of that part, and document each part’s features and measurments. Mesurements can be in mm or inches. Make sure to use the appropriate .ipt file for your parts.The object should be “broken down” (taken apart) into the main and smaller parts.
-Parts that are welded, glued, or riveted togther do not need to be broken. These part types can be drafted as a single part together.
-Extremely small parts of the object can be combined with other parts during drafting.
-Screws, nuts, and bolts are a part. But these part types do not have to be drafted nor does an .ipt need to be created. The student can find these parts in Inventor’s Content Center and will place these parts during the creation of an Assembly file. These should not be counted as a part.
-A sketch of each part with documented measurements is not required for this project, but it will aid the student during the drafting process if completed.
-Inventor’s Drafting Process should include: .ipt files; .dwg files; .iam file, .ipn file, and a video file.
-Draft all parts and features of the object in Inventor.
-Each part should include all the features and details of that part.
-An .ipt file will be created for each part.
-Files required:
-Part files (.ipt) - Create indiviudal part files for each part with accurate features.
-Drawing files (.dwg) that coorespond with .ipt files
1.Create Multi-View drawing files for each part (each .ipt)
2.Include appropriate orthographic views required for each part. (Section, Auxiliary, and Detail views as needed) Each drawing file must have an SE Isometric View of the part. Shaded view is best.
Presentation and Submission
1. Each student will present their project to the class and submit all files to be graded.
2. The presentation should include showing the actual reassembled object, plus:
a. The animated video.
b. Give information about the device. How does it work? What is the device used for? Any moving parts?
c. State why the device was broken down into the chosen parts?
d. Elaborate on how each part was drafted
e. Elaborate on any problems you had in creating the parts in Inventor and how the problem(s) were solved.
f. Elaborate on the commands that you used
g. Elaborate on what you liked and disliked about your device
h. Elaborate on what you would change regarding the function of the device.