We start this module with a story of Louise Batz, told by her daughter, about medical errors. This video serves as an example of patient stories about medical errors, and about positive responses to improve patient safety.
This is an assigned video and you are required to submit your reflections after watching the video. Click the video link below to watch. Then click the link �Submit Assignment� ABOVE, to show the submission area. You can write your reflections in a file and then copy and paste, or write directly into the space provided. Do not forget to submit.
-Is it normal for most patients and families to expect safe care in a hospital?
-What do you think as primary causes
�Kathleen Bartholomew is a nurse storyteller. Like many influencing leaders, she has found the power of stories. In this TED Talk video, Kathleen told stories about how culture and hierarchy impact on patient safety.��While watching the video,�think about the impact of culture on how we behave and how culture can make patient care environment safe.
You are required to submit your reflections after watching this video. Click the video link below to watch. Then click the link �Submit Assignment� ABOVE, to show the submission area. You can write your reflections in a file and then copy and paste, or write directly into the space provided. Do not forget to submit.
-What struck you the most from this segment of the video?�
-What are key features of a safer work environment?
In Part 2 of Kathleen Bartholomew's TED talk, she used stories to illustrate how to break down hierarchy and to create a safer environment for the patient.
This is an assigned video and you are required to submit your reflections after watching the video.� Click the video link below to watch. Then click the link �Submit Assignment� ABOVE, to show the submission area. You can write your reflections in a file and then copy and paste, or write directly into the space provided. Do not forget to submit.�
-What makes a nurse to speak up, or a housekeeper to watch out for patient falls?
-Do you feel the tendency to silence yourself sometimes because you feel not included, not respected, or not empowered, even when doing so may harm someone?
What is patient safety? Are �accidents� random and unpredictable, and thus there is little that one can do about them?��This brief video from the Leapfrog Group explains the concept of patient safety and describes the main types of preventable patient harms. The Leapfrog Group is a non-profit watchdog organization of health care purchasers (such as Fortune 100 companies). It provides resources on patient safety, especially related to hospitals.�
This is an assigned video and you are required to submit your reflections after watching the video.� Click the video link below to watch. Then click the link �Submit Assignment� ABOVE, to show the submission area. You can write your reflections in a file and then copy and paste, or write directly into the space provided. Do not forget to submit.�
-Was it a surprise to learn the scale of the challenges in patient safety improvement?
-Where would you start to improve patient safety?
Patient safety refers to the actions and measures taken to ensure that patients are protected from harm or injury while receiving healthcare services. This includes preventing medical errors, avoiding adverse events, minimizing risks associated with healthcare procedures, and promoting safe and effective healthcare practices. Patient safety is a critical aspect of healthcare delivery, and it involves the collaboration of healthcare professionals, patients, and healthcare organizations to provide the highest quality of care possible. It encompasses a range of factors, including the use of evidence-based practices, effective communication, medication safety, infection prevention, and the management of healthcare systems to reduce the risk of harm to patients.