This project must target a Unix platform and execute properly on our CS1 server.
The project must be written in C, C++, or Java.
Problem Overview
This project will simulate a scheduler scheduling a set of jobs.
The project will allow the user to choose a scheduling algorithm from among the six presented in the textbook. It will output a representation of how the jobs are executed.
You may design your own implementation approach, but here are a few constraints.
Your program should read in a list of jobs from a tab-delimited text file named jobs.txt. The format of the text file should have one line for each job, where each line has a job name, a start time and a duration. The job name must be a letter from A-Z. The first job should be named A, and the remaining jobs should be named sequentially following the alphabet, so if there are five jobs, they are named A-E. The arrival times of these jobs should be in order, with the first job arriving at time zero.
The scheduler choice should be a command-line parameter that is one of the following: FCFS, RR, SPN, SRT, HRRN, FB, ALL. If ALL is input, the program should produce output for all six scheduling algorithms. RR and FB should use a quantum of one. FB should use three queues. If more than one job may run next, choose the one with the lowest job name.
Your output should be a graph as shown in the slides. The graph can be text or you can use a graphics package such as JavaFX to draw the graph. For text, you may draw the graph down the page rather than across.
Your program should be able to reproduce the sample shown in the book as well as any similar set of jobs.
Sample Output
Below is sample text-based output. For graphical output, you can make the graph look like the ones in the textbook and slides.