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Leadership Development and Coaching Course: Learning Outcomes and Assignments

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

1. Apply leadership development and coaching skills.

2. Compare criteria of effective leadership styles.

3. Create situational leadership strategies for organizational leaders.

4. Evaluate strategies for effective conflict resolution.

5. Analyze emotional intelligence behaviors in leadership roles.

6. Define strategies that assist leaders to set actionable goals.

7. Demonstrate how research informs decision makers.

Using the Waldorf Online Library and the unit lesson, research three different leadership styles that would be beneficial to you in your current professional role or a role that you strive to achieve. Present your research in a two-page paper indicating each leadership style and covering the following topics:

1. Evaluate potential positive and negative behaviors of each style in your chosen role.

2. Compare and contrast how leaders seek input and make decisions using the different leadership styles.

3. Discuss how the leadership styles would benefit your organizational influence and coaching abilities

For this assignment, you will explore conflict management style assessments. Research these online, and complete a conflict management style assessment. After completing the assessment, write a reflection paper discussing what the assessment indicated about your conflict management style. Include information about the following topics in your reflection paper:

Include an introduction explaining what conflict management style the assessment indicated you have.

1. Does the assessment accurately reflect your conflict management actions?

2. What can you learn from this assessment and use in your current position?

3. What is an area of conflict management you can improve upon, and what impact will it have in your future?

4. Explain how conflict management behaviors relate to coaching.

Learning your leadership risk-taking capacity is important as leaders begin to set the goals for the organization and the results that are expected. The leader’s leadership style is one way to determine the amount of risk that the leader may be willing to take.

For this three-page assignment, research using the Waldorf Online Library a company or leader who has gone through a major change or direction change. Include the following components in your analysis of the company/leader:

1. Complete a risk analysis of the company/leader, and determine how risky the change was.

2. Describe how the leader's style impacted the amount of risk the organization was willing to take on to make the change.

3. Finally, explain how risk tolerance levels are related to achieving the organization's goals and producing results

Complete an emotional intelligence (EI) quotient profile. You may use the EI test from the Emotional Intelligence 2.0 textbook —link and code in the back of the textbook—or any other assessment you find available online. Write a paper discussing your opinion of the assessment accuracy as well as the topics that are listed below.

1. What are your areas of strength and weakness in emotional intelligence from the profile compared to what you thought were your strengths and weaknesses?

2. What did you learn about yourself that was new to you?

3. How can you use the assessment results in your current position and in future leadership roles?

4. Can coaching behaviors mirror emotional intelligence skills? If so, how?

In this unit, we learned about the value of a leader’s character and how it impacts all facets of one’s leadership style. Review the previous assignments in this course, and write a reflection paper describing your primary leadership and/or coaching style, your primary conflict management style, and your emotional intelligence quotient profile. Discuss the importance of strong character in these components. Include the elements listed below in your reflection paper.

1. How do your leadership, coaching, and conflict management styles work together as you lead and coach others?

2. Discuss the use of social awareness strategies in order to build your emotional intelligence.

3. Explain how your integrity of character can lead to motivated employees.

4. Analyze the relationship between adaptive leadership styles and strong character.

5. Explain how your value for differences can enable you to reach your organizational goals. What steps can you take to sharpen your leadership skills and continue learning?

6. What have you learned from the assignments and research that will influence how you lead and coach others in the future?
