ENG111 English Communication Skills
Part 1: Annotated List of Sources
Select TWO sources you have read and plan to use in your essay and complete the table below outlining:
why the text is useful for your essay
how you found the source.
You will focus on three different sources in part 2. Note that you should summarise and paraphrase key information in the text in order to demonstrate that you have understood the sources. You may use bullet points. You are not marked for your language accuracy, but you will be penalised for copying text from the source.
Part 2: Source Report
Complete the source report for THREE more sources you have read. Include:
How you have identified the source as suitable for academic use
Three main points from the source which are useful for your essay, the supporting information for each idea or argument and which paragraph in the essay each main point is useful for. Make sure you cover at least three different aspects of your essay.
Conclusions you have drawn from your reading
Who is the author / organisation? Are they qualified?
Where is the text published? Is the source peer-reviewed?
Where does the information in the article come from? Are the points supported?
When was the text published? Are the citations and references used in the text current?
Academic Conventions
Are academic conventions used?