Task - Theory: Short Answer Questions
1. List characteristics of a learning organization
2. Outline policies and legislation relevant to performance management in your organization (if you do not have access to one, please seek a friend/family organization).
3. Explain models for giving feedback and options for skill development
4. Describe options in the design of performance management processes.
5. Outline role of performance management in relation to broader human resources and business objectives. (250-300 words).
6. Who are five of the key stakeholders in a performance management system?
7. What key features do you think a performance management system should have? Why? (50-200 words).
8. Why are performance feedback plans developed? What goes into the planning process? (75-100 Words).
Performance management helps the business organizations to attain the longer term organizational objective by maintaining the performance of the employees. Performance management helps the managers to eliminate the risk where chances of performance failure is minimized by monitoring and controlling the performance boundaries of the employees. The main perspective of implementing performance management is to enhance the leadership implications and motivate the employees by rewarding them through proper benchmarking and feedback system. It requires the proper analysis and identification to decide the performance benchmark and assign the rewards and compensation to the benchmarks. Performance management plays an important for the human resource management to design the employee motivation program to identify the need of employee motivation and on the other hand, it also helps to develop employee learning and development programs to train the employee and polish their skills. Performance management plays a significant role in organizational success and helps to achieve the long term goals along with the organizational sustainability. Performance management helps the managers to eliminate the risk where chances of performance failure is minimized by monitoring and controlling the performance boundaries of the employees. The feedback system in performance management system requires to design on bi-monthly and on annual basis, the scorecard system helps to record the performances to give the performance reviews (Moynihan and Pandey, 2010)