Capital Structure and Cost of CapitalQ1 – Capital Structure Newham plc is a food manufacturer which has the following long-term capital structure:£1 ordinary shares (fully paid) 2,500,000Share premium account 1,000,000Retained profit 1,400,0008% preference shares &...
ABC LC Break-Even PointThe company ABC, L.C. manufactures some products with an average sales price of € 25/unit, with fixed annual costs of € 110,000. The average unit variable costs are € 5. 1.a) At what volume of production will the threshold of profitability be reached? b) Assuming that annual sales are estimated at 20,000 units, being the distribution evenly over a year, on what date will the break-even point be reached...
Financial Performance AnalysisAssessment TaskSelect a PLC for your assignment. The listed entity chosen must have published consolidated financial statements for an annual reporting period ended during the calendar year 2019. The financial statements must have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. The entity should be engaged in commercial activities involving manufacturing, service provision, dist...
Course Pre-RequisiteCOURSE PRE-REQUISITEThe only formal prerequisite for this course is twofold: (1) to have an understanding of the principles of accounting and (2) to have read as a warm-up session the delivered material entitled âReading 23: Financial Reporting Mechanicsâ and to focus on reviewing the accounting process (from page 49 to 62). The course makes use of basic algebraic and statistical manipulati...
Locating Annual ReportsLocate the latest annual report of Air New Zealand Limited (AIR) and Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corporation Ltd (FPH) on the website. You are required to identify and state the items listed below.  IF any item is not included in the financial statements, this should be clearly indicated in your assignment.  You are also required to write a short summary of the informa...
TasksInstructions To Students for assignments:Read properly the mode of submissionPlease note that any assignment submitted after the deadline, marks will be deducted as per assignment submission procedure document. Format: Please follow the guidelines in the document âGuide to writing assignmentsâ available on Moodle.You are required to conform to Harvard referencing style.Please include a bibliography at ...
Risk ParityThe second optimization model we will implement is risk parity. By definition, risk parity seeks to equalize the individual risk contribution of each constituent in a portfolio. Therefore, it is an purely risk-based portfolio, i.e., it does not require the asset expected returns as an input parameter. Instead, it only requires the asset covariance matrix, Q. For this project, the covariance matrix should be estimated from the PCA fa...
Question 1Question 1 a) A company is due to receive a payment of £500,000 from a customer in 6 months’ time. To smooth its cashflows, the company would prefer to receive the payment immediately, and has agreed to transfer its entitlement to this payment to a third party (a discount h...
Strategy for Round 8 I choose Broad Differentiation Strategy (high quality, good prices, all market segments) for all Round 1-8. Question 1 to 4 is focus on Round 8 ( I will attach Round 8 Report) focus on the entire simulation (all rounds). (I screenshot the decision summary score and paste it all the way down below. Reflect on Round 8 of the CapsimCore simulation in which you made decisions. Include the following information:1....
Task: A lot of employees of our firm have told me that you are an expert in finance. So, I would like to ask you a few questions related to finance. I would greatly appreciate your help.(Question 1) As you know, our firm uses NPV for capital budgeting. I have heard that PI (profitability index) is a useful capital budgeting technique. What is PI? What is the PI rule? How different are the NPV rule and PI rule from each other? Please explain brie...
Instructions/InformationBefore you begin, please read the following instructions/information carefully. Instructions/Information You may add sheets for further responses if only necessary. The body of the paper must be 3 – 5 pages, 12-font style, Times New Roman, and single-lined spaced 1. What indicators in the case would make you suspicious of money laundering or terrorist financing? 2. What weaknesses can you identify in Dans...
Introduction to Eagle Consulting and Financial Services, Inc.For this part of the course project, you will demonstrate your ability to illustrate the functions and impact of banking and monetary institutions and to provide a recommendation guided by them. In your role as a financial advisor at Eagle Consulting, you are performing a complete financial analysis for Melinda Jacobsen, a successful business executive who is retiring in 10 years. &...
Portfolio 1: Financial Analysis of Sainsbury and Tesco PLCThe assignment consists of two portfolios – Portfolio 1 consists of 70 marks and Portfolio 2 consists of 30 marks. Students are expected to read both Portfolios thoroughly and to answer all the required questions in a structured and organised manner. You work as a finance supervisor in the head office of a retail company. Finance executive of the company is interested in bu...
Question: Instructions Select a multinational company of your choice from the FTSE 100 index. Use the “Investor Relations” section of the website to download annual statements covering the most recent 5 year period. Chosen company: Glaxosmithkline. The report structure should be as follows: Evaluate and discuss the financial performance of the company over the period of analysis. As a minimum you must cover the following: Review...
Client SituationYou are a financial planner with a specialty in risk management. Youâve completed the LLQP and are licensed to sell insurance products. You love your career and have built a successful practice based mainly on referrals from your satisfied clients. Jack, age 49, and Jill, age 48, are one of those referrals. Jack is Vice-President of Marketing at a mid-sized systems firm. His salary is $190,000 + bo...