Case Study: 1. Cover page 2. One-page, single spaced Executive Summary for the case. This is a summary of your analysis, which is described in full in the seven appendices. The Executive Summary must be able to stand on its own as a document that provides the reader with the most important and essential information described in detail in the seven Appendices. Seven each containing citations and APA-style references, including ...
Consolidated Financial StatementsThe Royal Dutch Shell plc Annual Report (this Report) serves as the Annual Report and Accounts in accordance with UK requirements for the year ended December 31, 2020, for Royal Dutch Shell plc (the Company) and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as Shell). This Report presents the Consolidated Financial Statements of Shell, the Parent Company Financial Statements of Shell (pages 283-291) and the Financ...
Learning Outcomes and Assignment BriefAppraise and apply the regulatory framework of financial reporting Analyse and research International Accounting Standards. International Accounting Standard (IAS) 16 Property Plant & Equipment and IAS 38 Intangible Assets both deal with Non-Current Assets in the Financial Statements. 1: Required: Distinguish between the 2 types of Non-current assets, giving definitions reco...
InstructionsAssignment 1 assesses your understanding of the setup procedures you have learned thus far in this course. Using the company information in Chapter 17, you will set up a company file in Sage 50, as well as the accounts, payables, receivables, and employee ledgers. Although the chapter includes source documents, only the setup of the company will be marked. Instructions At the beginning of Chapter 17, read through the information abou...
Questions: Learning Outcomes 1. Describe key finance goals and decisions and the environment in which financial decisions are made.2. Identify and assess ethical issues with respect to financial theory and practice.3. Apply time value of money, valuation, and risk and return techniques to financial decision-making.4. Evaluate project and firm cost of capital and demonstrate its application to financial decisions.5. Analyse how sound financial...
NVIDIA CorporationNvidia Corporation Nvidia Corporation is a public global corporation headquartered in Santa Clara, California that specializes in manufacturing technological processes. NVIDIA was created in 1993 by three American scientists: Jen Hsun Huang, who is the current CEO, Curtis Priem, and Christopher Malachowsky, who helped pioneer integrated circuits and graphic processors that have been used and are continue to be used through...
You must submit your answers in a single Word or PDF document via the Assignment Submission link provided on 7000ACC â Financial Analysis and Decision Making Virtual Learning Environment page (i.e. AULA) in the Assessment folder.          ...
This assignment assesses the following learning outcomes: Demonstrate a conceptual and critical understanding of International Accounting Standards and its implications on corporate reporting (learning outcome K1) Apply the techniques of financial analysis to real-world company financial scenarios (learning outcome K2) Analyse corporate financial performance taking an independent approach and using relevant data (learning outcome A1) Com...
Task: Report Requirement Prepare a report for the directors of BGC Ltd discussing the performance, liquidity and solvency of the company over a minimum of the last two years. Your report should include, but is not limited to, reference to your calculations of the following ratios:i. Gross Profit Marginii. Net Profit Marginiii. Return on Capital Employediv. Current Ratiov. Working Capital Cyclevi. Gearingvii. Interest coverYour workings sh...
General Instructions•This final assignment must be done individually. •This final assignment must be submitted online through EGSM LMS •You must include a cover page that lists your name, Student ID and the unit number and title. •Number all pages sequentially. •Any published material you refer to must be properly referenced (Harvard Referencing) and included in a reference list at the end of your assignment...
Interest Rate SwapsTask:  1. A company has in place a floating-for-fixed four year interest rate swap with payments due every three months. The company pays three month Libor & receives 6.00% APR based on a notional principal amount of $25 million. If 1Y £ibor is 5.70% at the end of the first period, what is the net cash flow to the company?2. A company which uses gold in its manufacturing process wants to fix its...
Identifying Strength in Group SessionsUse the group session you led as the basis of this paper -Identify the greatest strength that you exhibited during the group sessions. Why do you think this skill was effective? I did a wonderful job with facilitating, member to member communication I did manage the group session to ensure that my group Objective was met effectively, even though I had poor internet services that did not allowed me to p...
What is the CISI Education Trust Award?The CISI Education Trust AwardEach year the CISI asks us to nominate one of the students on the Corporate Finance Technical Foundations module for the CISI Education Trust Award. This year we will choose our nominated student as follows: Students with the best grades will be invited to an interview, with me and another colleague. In the interview we will ask you some questions on your assignment report, a...
Task: Learning ObjectivesThis assignment will enable you to apply the concepts learnt in the subject. At the end of the assignment, you should be able to demonstrate your ability to:• evaluate the technologies that enable fintech innovations;• describe the development of fintech in the financial services industry;• assess financial products and services with opportunities for fintech to add value;• explain the critical factors for the ...
Things to RememberThe main goal of the project is to create a theoretical portfolio for yourself or someone that you know, as a client of yours. You are taking the role of an investment planner in this exercise. This will involve choosing stocks and estimating their value, buying mutual funds, and understanding what choices you need to make and what behavioural biases you may exhibit. Your hypothetical portfolio will start off with CAD 1,000,0...