Assignment task1.The formative assessment will consist of submission of a 3000 word portfolio (+/- 10%, excluding reference lists and appendix of materials used) which is centred on a historical account of a brief period (to a maximum of 5 years) in the history of migration to the UK during which time a particular policy or period of change was taking place. (The time frame must take place between the approximate years of 1955-...
Part I - Ethics and Professional MisconductINSTRUCTIONS For each of the following parts, please use the provided material(s) including the ICCRC Code of Professional Ethics. Part I Ethics and Professional Misconduct Please answer the following question Compare and contrast professional misconduct and conduct unbecoming a regulated immigration consultant.Part II See attached “Miller Decision” Please read the attached Miller decision a...
INSTRUCTIONS For each of the following parts, please use the provided material(s) including the ICCRC Code of Professional Ethics. Part I Compare and contrast professional misconduct and conduct unbecoming a regulated immigration consultant. Part II Decision and solve the following problem(s). 1. As an unpaid representative, which policy(s) did Ken Miller contravene and which section, if applicable? 2. With regard to raising concerns rai...