There are 2 assignments BSBWHS401: Assessment 1 What you have to do For this task you will need to focus on the legal requirements on organisations to comply with WHS Acts, regulations and codes of practice in order to provide a safe place of work for employees and others who attend the workplace. The work team will be consulted in accordance with WHS legislation requirements and informed about the organisation’s WHS policies, procedures and programs, in particular as they relate to hazard identification and the outcomes of risk assessment and control. Using the unit’s information, prepare a report to management on the policies, procedures and programs that are in place to guide consultation on safety matters with the work team, how hazards are identified and how outcomes of risk assessment and control are communicated and implemented. You will also analyse the role of supervisors/team leaders in meeting the organisation’s WHS responsibilities as well as considering how well the organisation supports them in satisfying those responsibilities. You may base your assessment on your current work organisation, OR one in which you have previously worked. For privacy reasons, use a fictitious company name. . Task Write a report of around 1,500 words to your chosen organisation’s management which contains the following three parts: Please note: this is a formal business report and must contain: • Executive Summary (Remember this is written last!) • Table of contents • Introduction • Body • Recommendations • Conclusion • Bibliography • Appendix Part one: Report introduction Your introduction needs to: • Outline the purpose of the report • Outline a brief company profile, including information on: o Structure (e.g. single site of operations or multi-site) o Number of employees o The name of the WHS/OHS Act that applies to the company o The nature of the work performed and risks associated with that work • Outline the research methodology being used for this report e.g. Secondary sources such as WHS legislation (Act and Regulations), specific codes of practice, current workplace WHS/OHS policies and procedures, etc. Primary sources such as staff surveys, interviews etc. Part two: The body of the report A. Identifying hazards, assessing risks and controlling risks The body of your report will outline the formal and informal practices used to identify workplace hazards, conduct assessments of the risks associated with those hazards and determine appropriate control measures for those risks. You will also evaluate the effectiveness of the processes. Use the following headings (in italics) and write your answers under each heading: a) WHS policies, procedures and programs - list and briefly describe the WHS policies, procedures, programs, etc. in place. In your answer, indicate if induction training is provided that informs work teams about fire and other emergency evacuation procedures, hazard and incident reporting, etc. b) Hazard identification - briefly describe the process for identifying hazards and reporting those to management. (Methods may include observation, audits, site walkabouts, reviews of statistical data, consultation and records are typical examples.) Comment on the effectiveness of the process. c) Risk assessment - briefly describe the process/es for assessment at your workplace. How are hazards analysed and prioritised (e.g. is a risk matrix or other risk assessment tool used to rate the ‘likelihood’ and ‘consequences’ of the risks arising from the identified hazards)? What documentation is used in the assessment process? Is the work team consulted in the process? Comment on the effectiveness of the processes. d) Risk control – briefly describe the process/es used to control hazards. Is the hierarchy of control followed i.e. elimination, substitution, engineering, isolation, administration and use of PPE, or is another approach/es used? Comment on the effectiveness of the process/es. In your answer indicate whether the work team is informed about the outcomes of the risk assessment and risk control processes. e) WHS consultation – briefly describe the WHS consultation mechanisms utilised within the organisation. Organisations are required to comply with WHS/OHS legislation regarding consultation with work teams. Refer to your State/Territory WHS/OHS legislation for HSRs (Health and Safety Representatives), Health and Safety Committees or other Agreed Arrangements and the relevant consultation code of practice in your answer, citing relevant Section and Clause numbers. Comment on the effectiveness of the process. In your response, indicate whether work teams are informed promptly of outcomes of consultation on WHS issues. f) Specific WHS hazards and their associated risks – WHS legislation refers to processes for managing ‘specific’ risks (e.g. hazardous chemicals, manual handling and systems for reporting or recording WHS hazards and risks). List the ‘specific’ hazards and associated risks that need to be managed in your workplace. Comment on the effectiveness of the management of those risks. g) WHS training - list the safety training programs conducted at the workplace. Have all safety training needs been addressed? Comment on the effectiveness of the training provided. (In your response consider if incidents and injuries have reduced as a result of the training; are workers more informed about working safely and follow safe work procedures, etc.) B. Role of the PCBU This section continues the ‘body’ of your report and examines the legal responsibilities of PCBUs. In particular management’s commitment to providing a safe place of work and the responsibilities assigned to supervisors / team leaders in implementing that commitment. • Discuss the PCBU’s (employers are classified as a PCBU) Primary Duty of Care legal responsibilities as mentioned in the health and safety legislation of your State or Territory (e.g. in NSW refer to S.19 WHS Act 2011). • What duties do supervisors / team leaders perform in providing that duty of care to workers, contractors and others in the workplace? (e.g. conduct WHS training on the job, conduct daily tool box talks, etc.) • What are the legal responsibilities of workers? State the section number of the WHS/OHS Act that applies. • To what extent do workplace policies, procedures and programs as well as the culture of the organisation support the supervisors / team leaders in implementing their WHS/OHS responsibilities? In your answer discuss the following: o How well trained or informed supervisors / team leaders are to perform their WHS responsibilities. o Whether the systems, policies, procedures etc. assist supervisors / team leaders to implement safe work procedures and practices. Part three: Finalising your report • Recommendations From your review of Part Two, A and B, prepare a list or table of recommendations for management to improve workplace processes. You are required to present these in a form that can be used to implement the actions, stating who (position title/s) is responsible for each. • Conclusion Write a one paragraph conclusion. • Executive Summary Provide an overview of your report, summarising the key points and key recommendations. Insert at the front of your report. • Table of Contents Insert after the Executive Summary. • Bibliography List all sources accessed in preparing your report. • Appendix If you have any additional information that you wish to submit, please attach as an appendix. (Appendices are not included in the word count.) Checklist I have: • Completed ALL questions • Included a bibliography BSBWHS401: Assessment 2 What you have to do In this assessment you continue with your evaluation of an organisation’s WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements. The assessment examines the implementation of a training program and accurate record keeping. The two tasks include: 1. Preparing a structured training plan outline using either a coaching or mentoring approach* to address a gap and/or deficiency in meeting WHS training needs** 2. Preparing a Coaching OR Mentoring Agreement, and, 3. Accurately completing WHS documentation of a workplace incident. Your assessment should be no more than 1200 words. Notes: *The coaching or mentoring may be part of a structured training program that also has a component of on-the-job and/or off-the-job learning. **Element 3 in your Learning Resource has an in-depth discussion on how to undertake a training needs analysis and provides examples of various training programs that should be considered by an organisation in managing their WHS obligations. Task Task 1 i. Select ONE training need from those identified in Assignment 1, Part Two A g) which can be practically addressed by the introduction of a structured coaching or mentoring training program for individuals or small work team, such as manual handling or emergency procedures, etc. A number of sources of data and/or information must be analysed to support the training of the identified WHS need. The training must provide specific, clear and accurate information to the work team on the training need identified. ii. Use the template following this assessment to prepare your training plan outline. You must include information that addresses the following areas: • Identify the WHS training need you are addressing. State the Section and/or Clause number/s of the legislation in your State/Territory that specifies the requirement to train workers. • State the name/s of the organisation’s policy, procedures and program that relates to the identified WHS training need. • List the stakeholders who were consulted and the data and information sources reviewed. In your answer, briefly summarise the analysis of the data/information to support the development of training to meet the WHS need e.g. Incidents reported, audit findings, employee survey data, etc. • List the principles of coaching and mentoring. Show how you have incorporated these in your training program outline. • List the principles of adult learning. Show how you have incorporated these in your training program outline. • List the job title/s of those who will participate in the coaching or mentoring training. • How the coaching or mentoring training will take place e.g. observations of on-the-job performance or off-the-job training or using a combination of methods. • Briefly list the content that will be undertaken in the coaching or mentoring training. • Provide an approximate costing for the coaching or mentoring training component, taking account of the wages for the Coach/Mentor and the participant/s as well as any other resources utilised (e.g. wages to backfill any time that the participants may be off the job). • List the organisation’s reporting mechanisms you will use to monitor the effectiveness of the coaching or mentoring training to ensure that WHS training actually happens and was useful. For example: surveys, monitoring incident reports, WHS audits etc. iii. Prepare and complete a Coaching or Mentoring Agreement between the two parties. Attach as Appendix 2. Task 2 i. Using an incident that resulted in an injury at your workplace or the Case Study following, accurately complete the attached Incident/Injury Report Form. Complete both parts of the form, i.e. the worker’s details and as the injured worker’s supervisor. ii. State where the Incident/Injury Report form will be filed in the workplace. iii. Attach the completed Incident Report Form to your assignment submission as Appendix 3. Case study Mary is a production line process worker in a chicken meat processing abattoir, ABC Meat Company, Cityville. She has suffered a back injury this morning while lifting boxes from a conveyer line. The First Aid officer was called immediately to the work area and arranged for an ambulance to transport Mary to the closest hospital – Downtown Public Hospital. The duty doctor, Dr Rosanne Smith, has advised that Mary’s prognosis is that she may be off work for many months as she is in constant pain and will most likely need her lower vertebrae fused. The company does not dispute that the injury occurred whilst at work. The Insurer will therefore most likely accept liability and will therefore meet approved costs. Mary’s average weekly wage is $650 per week. She is a full-time permanent employee with 3 years’ service. Mary is part of the Production business unit which has a Cost Centre code of PU1234-0001. The company’s workers compensation policy number is PABC00045/2012 Checklist I have: • Completed ALL questions in this assessment task • Attached appendices i. Training Program Outline template and ii. Coaching or Mentoring Agreement and iii. Incident report • Included a bibliography with correct Harvard referencing • Included my name, student number, unit number, assessment number • Reviewed and spell checked my document • Saved a copy on my own computer. Training Program Outline Appendix 1 Training Name: Timeframe: Training Type: Training Goals: 1. 2. 3. Underpinning legislation and workplace policy: • • • Stakeholders consulted and/or data and information reviewed: • • List coaching and mentoring principles (to be incorporated in the training): • • List adult learning principles (to be incorporated in the training): • • Appendix 1 Participants (job title/s): • • Where will the coaching or mentoring training take place (e.g. on-the-job or off-the-job) • • Training content • • Time / Duration Section Goals/Results Description Equipment and Materials Comments Cost of training participant/s: List the reporting mechanisms that will be used to monitor the effectiveness of the coaching or mentoring training to ensure that WHS training actually happens and was useful. N.B. Append completed mentoring/coaching agreement Adapted from Training Plan Template no. 4 Retrieved 20 June 2014 Incident / injury report form Appendix 3 Please print clearly and tick the correct box Status: â�� Employee â�� Contractor â�� Other Outcome: â�� Near miss â�� Injury 1. DETAILS OF INJURED PERSON Name: Phone: (H) (W) Address: Sex: â�� M â�� F Date of birth: Position: Experience in the job: (years/months) Start time: â�� am â�� pm Work arrangement: â�� Casual â�� Full-time â�� Part-time â�� Other 2. DETAILS OF INCIDENT Date: Time: Location: Describe what happened and how: 3. DETAILS OF WITNESSES Name: Phone: (H) (W) Address: 4. DETAILS OF INJURY Nature of injury (eg burn, cut, sprain) Cause of injury (eg fall, grabbed by person) Location on body (eg back, left forearm) Agency (eg lounge chair, another person, hot water) 5. TREATMENT ADMINISTERED First Aid given â�� Yes â�� No First Aider name: Treatment: Referred to: SECTION 6-9 MUST BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYER 6. DID THE INJURED PERSON STOP WORK ? â�� Yes â�� No If yes, state date: Time: Outcome: â�� Treated by doctor â�� Hospitalised â�� Workers compensation claim â�� Returned to normal work â�� Alternative duties â�� Rehabilitation 7. INCIDENT INVESTIGATION (comments to include causal factors): 8. RISK ASSESSMENT Likelihood of recurrence: Severity of outcome: Level of risk: 9. ACTIONS TO PREVENT RECURRENCE Action By whom By when Date completed 10. ACTIONS COMPLETED Signed (Manager): Title: Date: â�� Feedback to person involved Date: 11. REVIEW COMMENTS WHS committee / staff meeting: Reviewed by site Manager (signed): Date: Reviewed by Health & Safety Rep.(signed): Date:
Every organization ought to have a committee set to deal with health and safety of its employees. The members of the committee should hold office for at least one year so as to give fellow workers a chance to participate in health and safety programs. The committee should look to reduce or eliminate work hazards. It should mobilize its workers to allow full participation in the program. It ought to formulate polices and enforce them through regular supervision. The committee should also help the government conduct a health and safety inspection in the organization. Below is a tabulation of members of the safety committee, the position they hold and the duties bestowed on them.
For an organization to effectively investigate health and safety hazards, it needs to look into the design, environment and behavioral components. It should look investigate the causes of the incident and reduce blaming victims who suffer the consequences. Most of these injuries and illnesses occur due to a series of events that are not addressed. Below are factors a