Updated submission date to 06 November 2020Title:Nodejs programingof Amazon Alexa Skill for Data and Informationof Coronavirus Pandemic BackgroundThis is a programming project to develop real world application of Voice User Interfacebased on Amazon Alexa. The objective of the project is to ensure studentsunderstand and experience the wide concept of intelligence system design, including internetprotocol, data structure, internet of thing and automation. The lecturer has developed many examplescodes, demonstrated in virtual class. Relevantrecorded virtual classvideoof code development of programmingand codes are available in Moodle and google drive.Members and GroupMaximum 4 members per group. Same group members applicable for Projectfor all projects. A leader is requirefor submission of report and communication among members as well as with lecturer.Grading CriteriaThere are several “tasks” in this project. For each task, marks are allocated and grading is based on 4levels of “score”, i.e., Score-0 is 0% of mark (not fulfil), Score-1 is 25% (little bitfulfil), Score-2 is 50% (half fulfil), Score-3 is 75% (mostly fulfil) and Score-4 is 100% (perfectly fulfil). However, even if tasks are fulfil, other criteria such as submit on timeand completion of submission, correct submission channel, report format, format of video for demonstration, online presentation(if applicable/invited), anti-plagiarism and anti-falsification concerns will be consider before marks are given.Tasks for Project 1Create a new skill of Amazon Alexa, andname the invocation as “coronavirus data”. There are many useful APIs for coronavirus pandemic available, but for this project I will like to suggest to use following URL You are required to complete the task by using this API and details information given in the task. Task 1:This task involves latest statistic of a specific country. You are require to design anintent that capable of receive following information from user:?Name of countryThen, program the intentthat capable to providelateststatistic information of coronavirus inthis country. The voice output must include following (but not limited to):?Name of country?Date (date/month/year)of data
Project 1–Data and Informationof Coronavirus Pandemic, ?Total cases?Mortality cases and rate?Recover cases and rateOther requirement are:?The same information must send to Telegram via Telegrambot APIs(IFTTT is not allowed).?Program code must capable of handle the error (rather than let her say “I am sorry, not able to do what you ask...”, which is pretty confusing)when country given by user is invalid or data is unavailableProject 1–Data and Informationof Coronavirus Pandemic, ECEB463/EEEB4023, Semester1, 2020-20212?Total cases?Mortality cases and rate?Recover cases and rateOther requirement are:?The same information must send to Telegram via Telegrambot APIs(IFTTT is not allowed).?Program code must capable of handle the error (rather than let her say “I am sorry, not able to do what you ask...”, which is pretty confusing)when country given by user is invalid or data is unavailable. Useful APIsfor this task is to see list of country and spelling of the name/slug/ISO2supported in this API. You may need this to cross check with AMAZON.Country.Task 2: This task involves statistic andanalysis of a specific country in a givenrange of times/dates. It may look like extension for Task 1 it is actually very different and must be a new intent. In this taskyou are require to design annewintent (not the same as the one in Task 1) that capable of receive following information from user:?Nameofcountry?“From” date, month and year (year is optional, if not mention then assume is year 2020)?“To” date, month and year (year is optional, if not mention then assume is year 2020)Then, program the intentthat capable provideanalysisof coronavirus of this countryduring the given period. The voice output must include following (but not limited to):?Name of country?“From” and “to” date?Information and data such as of confirmed cases, mortality cases, recovered cases (and respective rates) and other information chosen by the group.a