Scenario:College ABQ is planning to commission your companyto build an information system to track student progress for each semester. The system will encompass the student, the faculty, the finance unit, and the exam unit.Each semester the student will need to register the subjects that they need to take. The student needs to login to the system by inputting their student ID and password. The system uses that student ID to retrieve the intake of the student and based on their study plan, the system will display a list of subjects the student can register. The student can now click on the subject they wish to register. When the student is satisfied with the subjects chosen, the student will click the register button. The student may register more than 1 subject but the total credit hours for the subjects cannot exceed 20 credit hours. If it exceeds, the student has to choose all over again the subjects to register. If successfully registered, the student’s status in the system becomes “Active –Registered”. If the student does not register any subject for the semester, the status is “Inactive”. Each subject has 1 lecture class and 4 tutorial classes. Each lecture class can have a maximum of 80 students only and each tutorial class can have a maximum of 20 students only.From the system, the faculty will generate a list of subjects that have registered students. Then the list of academicians for the faculty is displayed. For each academician, the faculty can assign either 1 lecture class or 3 tutorial classes. The faculty will keep assigning duty to the academicians until there are no more lecture or tutorial classes.The exam unit uses the system after the subject registration period has closed. The system will display a list of subjectsthat have registered students. Using this list, the exam unit will plan examination week. Examination week lasts 6 days, from Monday to Saturday. For each day, the exam unit will assign a subject to that day. Each day can have a total of 6 examination hours with subjects having 2-hour or 3-hour examinations. For example,if the subjects are 2-hour examinations, then 3 of them can be scheduled for the dayand if the subjects are 3-hour examinations, then only 2 of themcan be scheduled for the day.There can also be a mixture of 2-hour and 3-hour examinations.If the exam unit schedules too many examination hours for that day then the day resets and the exam unit needs to reschedule again. This process stops when all subjects have been scheduled. At the end of the semester, the exam unit will process the list of students eligible to sit the examinations. Students having the “Active –Finance OK” status will be changed to “Active –Exam” status. This status will allow the student to print the examination schedule for the semester which will show the date, time, and venue for each registered subject’s examination.Students having the “Active –Finance Bar” or “Active –Registered” statuses will not be allowed to print the examination schedule. The student can obtain the “Active –Finance OK” status once at least 50% of semester fees is paid. This has to be done by the finance unit. The student will provide the student ID to the finance unit and whenkeyed into the system, the finance unit can view the total credit hours registered by the student. Each credit hour costs the student $250. The semester fees will include resource fee of $200 and amenities fee of $100. The student then pays the finance unit any amount the studentwishes, and the balanced owed is updated and displayed. If the amount paid is 50% or more of the total semester fees, then the student’s status changes to “Active –Finance OK”. If the amount paid is less than 50% of total semester fees, then the student’s status changes to “Active –Finance Bar”.After the student has printed out the examination schedule, sat for the examination, and had the answer script marked, an academician will key in the examination marksinto the system. After the key in period is over, the system will go through the listand grade the students. For each student, the system will go through each subject registered. If the examination mark is at least 50% then the student has passed that subject. If the examination mark is between 30%and 50% then the student has to sit for supplementary examination. If the examination mark is below 30% then the student has failed the subject. If any subject registered has a supplementary status, then the student’s status changes to “Pending”. If the student has no supplementary then the new CGPA is calculated. Ifthe CGPA is at least 2.00 then the student’s status changes to “Pass” else it will change to “Fail”.After the supplementary examinations, the system will process the list of students. If the supplementary examination mark is at least 50%, then the student has passed the subject. If it is below 50% then the student has failed the subject. Finally, the student’s CGPA is calculated and if the student’s CGPA is at least 2.00 then the student’s status changes to “Pass” else it will change to “Fai