Learning Outcome
LO 1 Explain database concepts, and principles of data modelling, process modelling and systems development project management, and apply them in designing a simple workgroup-based business application to meet user requirements in a multi-user environment.
LO 2 Demonstrate an understanding of a systems development project life cycle by developing and implementing the workgroup-based business application in line with its design.
Case Study
This Assessment is based on the analysis document provided by the student as part of Assessment 1.
Review your Assessment 1 work and continue with the design stage.
Assignment 2 will include design for the new system up to an initial prototype stage. You are required to complete the following tasks.
Task 1 : Overview of the project:
In this section, provide the problem description, business needs, system capabilities and business benefits.
Task 2 : Models
• A revised use case model of the system. Use case descriptions are not required.
• A detailed sequence diagram for a major use case.(Note major use case should refers to one of the main business process of the library system)
• A design class diagram of the system, created from the revised and updated domain class diagram.
• A package diagram of the system.
• State machine diagram of a class with the most changes in state. The transition messages should contain appropriate triggers and guard conditions.
Task 3 : Storyboard and Prototype
• Sketched storyboards for all of the screens needed to implement the system.
• Implementation of an initial prototype of the system design using any software tool. Provide screen dumps as part of your system specification documentation.
• Consultation with least two individuals (who are not in your 652 course) for the evaluation of the prototype and a discussion on any suggested changes. Document these sessions and add them to the report. Create a checklist for the evaluator.
Make the changes to the prototype as recommended. If you do not choose to make the changes explain your reasons.
Task 4 : Data
A list of properties that the database needs to have, as part of the selection criteria. Based on this analysis recommend a suitable relational DBMS that can be used to implement the system.
• Based on your design class diagram, create a physical ERD showing all entity, attribute, key details and data types (based on the DBMS recommended earlier).
Task 5 : Reporting
• Design of a sample report which will be produced by the information system (either periodically or ad-hoc) and covers a major reporting requirement – for example: List all books not returned to the library.
Notes about the report:
The design must show appropriate dummy data.
Use whichever software tool you are familiar with to create the design.
Task 6 : Security Access
• Design of a suitable set of access privileges for each stakeholder interacting with the system. Briefly explain why you have set the access at that level for each stakeholder/user type.