As the outcome of your consultation with a project manager/ project planner/ quantity surveyor/ cost manager, you are required to submit a report on the industry approach to project planning, budgeting, scheduling, estimating, monthly cash flow analysis/ forecasting, cost-budget reconciliation, cost control and reporting, tracking and control of project completion time for one completed real life project in NewZealand. Make sure all requested information/documents are available for selected project. Your report should be focused on the following aspects (which are also detailed in the attached Marking Scheme): -Q1)Project Information:You need to introduce project in one page with a table of below information: Required Information: Project Type (residential/ commercial/...any type but renovation project) + location (region) + Gross Floor Area (GFA-m2) + Number of stories + Contract type + Project team roles and responsibilities. Appendix: Optional for this part. Q2)Planned Data:You need to find out what was their approach for planning, budgeting, estimating, scheduling and cash flow forecasting. Explain their approach in less than by interviewing and attach following documents in appendix. Required Information: Project planned duration or starting & finishing date + budgeting, estimating and cash flow forecasting method + Milestones + Activities with duration and interdependencies Appendix: Project first
2| P a g ebaseline planning file (Microsoft Project) with all planned data (Resources and budget assigned if it is available) Q3)Actual Data: You need to find outwhat was their approach for tracking, monitoring, reporting and controlling time & cost. Explain their approach in less than by interviewing and attach following documents in appendix. Required Information: Project actual duration or actual starting & finishing date (project completion time) + actual cost + monthly cash flow report –payment + monthly progress (% complete) Appendix: Project last baseline planning file (MSP) with all actual data (actual start and finish date with resources and budget assigned if it is available) + monthly payment sheet + project monthly reportTask requirements and marking scheduleQ1: Project Information1.1 writing–(one page with the table)5 marks1.2 Project Information Table