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Report on Evaluating an Organization's Approach to Diversity and Inclusion

To enable the student to critically evaluate the previously stated issue stated in Assessment 2, apply learning, and come up with suitable recommendations.

To complete a report that gives the student an opportunity to apply the level of knowledge they have acquired throughout the degree programme to their internship organisation.��

Enabling the student to utilize their personal experiences and observations to display an integrated analytical approach to a problem or development within the internship organisation.

On successful completion of this paper students will be able to:

  1. Critically evaluate a specific aspect of an organisation�s operation or management.
  2. Conduct an in-depth study of a problem or development within the internship establishment.
  3. To distinguish between critical and non-critical factors impacting on the problem/development.
  4. Evaluate information and make recommendations for specific development/problem.
  5. Consider and identify issues for implementing recommendations

�Prepare a report of 4500 words which includes:

�Restate your research problem making any necessary changes you feel are necessary based on feedback received from Assessment 2

Conduct some secondary research to investigate and discuss the extent of your management issue within other organisations or within the industry. Also discuss possible solutions or recommendations for addressing your management issues, as investigated by other researchers.

Briefly describe the how the information was collected. You need to cover both secondary and primary data sources and explain clearly why methodology was appropriate to situation.�

You will need to design a primary research tool and conduct primary research within the organisation (for example a questionnaire, interview questions or focus group questions).

The evidence of this research must be uploaded to Blackboard to show you carried out the primary research.

Present the findings from your investigation. It is important that you realise not all the information you collect will have the same importance. Concentrate on presenting the findings that are most crucial in determining further courses of action regarding your research issue. Compare your findings from your primary research with the findings from your secondary research (literature review) and identify trends or similarities/differences.�


�Provide recommendations based on your findings from your primary and secondary research and link the findings back to your original research question to come up with possible solutions to address your management issue.

Identify any possible issues� the internship organisation may face when implementing your recommendations, i.e. what factors are critical to success?�

  • You are required to use a formal report format, with a clear and logical layout. Remember that potentially this report will be presented to your employer, who is a very busy person. Therefore, your report while being professional also needs to be concise, easy to follow and easy to read.
  • You are required to follow APA guidelines
  1. Issue / problem statement is carried re-stated with possible changes made from proposal
  2. The research process is described in detail
  3. Evidence of primary and secondary information used to explore the research issue
  4. Appropriate research techniques used to investigate the issue
  5. Limitations of the research have been addressed
  6. Key findings from the primary and secondary data are identified
  7. The potential impacts of the issue / problem are identified
  8. Clear, realistic recommendations are reported, supported by evidence from the primary and/or secondary research
  9. There is a direct link between the research statement and the recommendations
  10. Recommendations demonstrate an understanding of the strategic and tactical implications for the organisation
  11. Critical success factors are discussed and identify possible issues / complications that may be faced by the organisation during the implementation of the recommendations
  12. Report structure is appropriate, professional, clear and logical
  13. Varied sources used and referenced in APA format.


One specific aspect of an organization's operation that can be evaluated critically is its approach to diversity and inclusion.

In today's globalized and interconnected world, businesses that prioritize diversity and inclusion are more likely to be successful in a variety of ways. Not only do they create a more positive work environment for their employees, but they are also better able to understand and respond to the needs and preferences of a diverse customer base.

However, not all organizations are equally committed to diversity and inclusion, and some may only pay lip service to these values without making any real effort to enact meaningful change. In order to critically evaluate an organization's approach to diversity and inclusion, there are several key factors that should be considered.

First and foremost, it is important to examine the organization's hiring practices. Does the organization actively seek out and recruit candidates from diverse backgrounds, or does it tend to hire mostly from a narrow range of demographics? If the latter is true, this could be a sign that the organization is not truly committed to diversity and may be missing out on the benefits that come with a diverse workforce.
