This assessment relates to the following learning outcomes:
1. Research and communicate either individually or collaboratively
2. Identify and develop a set of appropriate research questions
3. Select appropriate research methodologies
4. Write appropriately for academics and business practitioners
This assessment requires you to identify and investigate a real issue(s) confronting a New Zealand based organisation(s). The issue(s) may include, but not limited to, employee turnover, decreasing sales, lack of motivation. The issue(s) may be based on your own experience. Or, a current issue in the news. If you choose the latter be sure to acknowledge the sources of information.
When you have identified, investigated and collected relevant evidence relating to the issue, carry out a literature review to connect empirical data with current research in the same area.
Using this information, write a research proposal using the suggested format below.
In addition to the Research Proposal you will need to create the following documents to attach as appendix:
1.An information sheet providing participants with a clear, brief information about the main elements of the study, what the research is about, any conditions, the voluntary nature of participation and what will happen after the research has taken place. Â Â (5 marks)
2.A consent form for participants to give permission to involve them in the research. It outlines the purpose of the study and the roles and responsibilities of the researcher and research participant. Â Â (5 marks)
3.A sample research instrument. This may be interview guidelines or survey questionnaire.  (5 marks)
Follow the format and instructions below to write the research proposal.
1.Introduction/Background (15 marks and approximately 500 words)
a)Identify and describe the issue(s) faced by New Zealand based organisation(s).
b)Justify why the issue(s) are being investigated as well as the data collecting methodology.
c)Include the research question(s) in relation to the identified business issue(s).
2.Literature Review (20 marks and approximately 600 words)
a)Critically review at least 10 different relevant sources of literature; e.g. journal articles, books, research reports and other reliable academic sources and analyse their relevance to your research question(s)
3.Research Methodology (20 marks and approximately 600 words)
a)Discuss qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methodologies that are frequently used in conducting research
b)Justify the research methodologies you have chosen for the research project
4.Research Instrument (10 marks and approximately. 400 words)
a)Develop a research instrument or sample survey questionnaire based on your chosen research methodology and research question.Â
b)Explain how the research instrument relates to the research topic and literature review
5.Ethical Considerations (10 marks and approximately 400 words)
a)Discuss ethical concerns you may encounter while conducting the research
b)How will you address these ethical concerns?
6.Timeline for your research project (5 marks and approximately 200 words)
a)Present a detail timeline of your research project
b)Include key milestones in your research project timeline
c)Make sure that each segment in your timeline is realistic and manageable