The recruitment phase of recruitment and selection is critical to being able to make a good appointment to the job. In this phase a staffing need is identified; the requirements of the job are clarified and the attributes of the person to best fill it; the potential labour market is identified and analysed; a set of activities to target and attract applicants is chosen (e.g. forms of advertising or communicating, other ways of encouraging people to apply). Ideally, throughout the recruitment phase connections are made to the organisation/business strategy and values.
In this assignment you will design, and justify with good reasons, the recruitment phase for a specific job.
You may choose the job* that your design focuses on. You may use an existing job description, adapt an existing one, or write your own (please attach the job description to your assignment as an appendix, clearly indicating authorship. Note that the appendix will not be in the word count).
Your design should address all parts of the recruitment phase described above.
Your design must aim to minimise the possibility of unfair bias and explain how it does this.
Clear justification must be provided. Please use the course readings (those from weeks 1 to 6 will be particularly useful) and undertake research of other high-quality references to support your recruitment phase design choices.