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Designing Agents for Pacman Game using Minimax and Expectimax Search


In this project, you will design agents for the classic version of Pacman, including ghosts. Along the way, you will implement both minimax and expectimax search and try your hand at evaluation function design.

The codebase has not changed much from the previous project, but please start with a fresh installation, rather than intermingling files from project 1.

As in project 1, this project includes an autograder for you to grade your answers on your machine. This can be run on all questions with the command:


It can be run for one particular question, such as q2, by:

python -q q2

It can be run for one particular test by commands of the form:

python -t test_cases/q2/0-small-tree

By default, the autograder displays graphics with the -t option, but doesn't with the -q option. You can force graphics by using the --graphics flag, or force no graphics by using the --no-graphics flag.

The code for this project contains the following files, attached as a zip file to the assignment on Blackboard.

Where all of your multi-agent search agents will reside.

Files you might want to look at:

The main file that runs Pacman games. This file also describes a Pacman

GameState type, which you will use extensively in this project.

The logic behind how the Pacman world works. This file describes several

supporting types like AgentState, Agent, Direction, and Grid.

Useful data structures for implementing search algorithms. You don't need to

use these for this project, but may find other functions defined here to be useful.

Supporting files you can ignore:

Graphics for Pacman

Support for Pacman graphics

ASCII graphics for Pacman

Agents to control ghosts

Keyboard interfaces to control Pacman

Code for reading layout files and storing their contents

Project autograder

Parses autograder test and solution files

General autograding test classes


Directory containing the test cases for each question

Project 2 specific autograding test classes

Improve the ReflexAgent in to play respectably. The provided reflex agent code provides some helpful examples of methods that query the GameState for information. A capable reflex agent will have to consider both food locations and ghost locations to perform well. Your agent should easily and reliably clear the testClassic layout:

python -p ReflexAgent -l testClassic

Try out your reflex agent on the default mediumClassic layout with one ghost or two (and animation off to speed up the display):

python --frameTime 0 -p ReflexAgent -k 1 python --frameTime 0 -p ReflexAgent -k 2

How does your agent fare? It will likely often die with 2 ghosts on the default board, unless your evaluation function is quite good.

Now you will write an adversarial search agent in the provided MinimaxAgent class stub in Your minimax agent should work with any number of ghosts, so you'll have to write an algorithm that is slightly more general than what you've previously seen in lecture. In particular, your minimax tree will have multiple min layers (one for each ghost) for every max layer.

Your code should also expand the game tree to an arbitrary depth. Score the leaves of your minimax tree with the supplied self.evaluationFunction, which defaults to scoreEvaluationFunction. MinimaxAgent extends MultiAgentSearchAgent, which gives access to self.depth and self.evaluationFunction. Make sure your minimax code makes reference to these two variables where appropriate as these variables are populated in response to command line options.

Files included in the project

Important: A single search ply is considered to be one Pacman move and all the ghosts' responses, so depth 2 search will involve Pacman and each ghost moving two times.

Grading: We will be checking your code to determine whether it explores the correct number of game states. This is the only reliable way to detect some very subtle bugs in implementations of minimax. As a result, the autograder will be very picky about how many times you call GameState.generateSuccessor. If you call it any more or less than necessary, the autograder will complain. To test and debug your code, run

python -q q2

This will show what your algorithm does on a number of small trees, as well as a pacman game. To run it without graphics, use:

python -q q2 --no-graphics

Question 3  Alpha-Beta Pruning

Make a new agent that uses alpha-beta pruning to more efficiently explore the minimax tree, in AlphaBetaAgent. Again, your algorithm will be slightly more general than the pseudocode from lecture, so part of the challenge is to extend the alpha-beta pruning logic appropriately to multiple minimizer agents.

You should see a speed-up (perhaps depth 3 alpha-beta will run as fast as depth 2 minimax). Ideally, depth 3 on smallClassic should run in just a few seconds per move or faster.

python -p AlphaBetaAgent -a depth=3 -l smallClassic

The AlphaBetaAgent minimax values should be identical to the MinimaxAgent minimax values, although the actions it selects can vary because of different tie-breaking behavior. Again, the minimax values of the initial state in the minimaxClassic layout are 9, 8, 7 and -492 for depths 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively.

Grading: Because we check your code to determine whether it explores the correct number of states, it is important that you perform alpha-beta pruning without reordering children. In other words, successor states should always be processed in the order returned by GameState.getLegalActions. Again, do not call GameState.generateSuccessor more than necessary.

You must not prune on equality in order to match the set of states explored by our autograder. (Indeed, alternatively, but incompatible with our autograder, would be to also allow for pruning on equality and invoke alpha-beta once on each child of the root node, but this will not match the autograder.)

Minimax and alpha-beta are great, but they both assume that you are playing against an adversary who makes optimal decisions. As anyone who has ever won tic-tac-toe can tell you, this is not always the case. In this question you will implement the ExpectimaxAgent, which is useful for modeling probabilistic behavior of agents who may make suboptimal choices.

Question 1: Reflex Agent

As with the search and constraint satisfaction problems covered so far in this class, the beauty of these algorithms is their general applicability. To expedite your own development, we've supplied some test cases based on generic trees. You can debug your implementation on small game trees using the command:

python -q q4

Debugging on these small and manageable test cases is recommended and will help you to find bugs quickly.

Once your algorithm is working on small trees, you can observe its success in Pacman. Random ghosts are of course not optimal minimax agents, and so modeling them with minimax search may not be appropriate. ExpectimaxAgent, will no longer take the min over all ghost actions, but the expectation according to your agent's model of how the ghosts act. To simplify your code, assume you will only be running against an adversary which chooses amongst their getLegalActions uniformly at random.

To see how the ExpectimaxAgent behaves in Pacman, run:

python -p ExpectimaxAgent -l minimaxClassic -a depth=3

You should now observe a more cavalier approach in close quarters with ghosts. In particular, if Pacman perceives that he could be trapped but might escape to grab a few more pieces of food, he'll at least try. Investigate the results of these two scenarios:

python -p AlphaBetaAgent -l trappedClassic -a depth=3 -q -n 10 python -p ExpectimaxAgent -l trappedClassic -a depth=3 -q -n 10

You should find that your ExpectimaxAgent wins about half the time, while your AlphaBetaAgent always loses.

Make sure you understand why the behavior here differs from the minimax case.

The correct implementation of expectimax will lead to Pacman losing some of the tests. This is not a problem: as it is correct behavior, it will pass the tests.

Write a better evaluation function for pacman in the provided function betterEvaluationFunction. The evaluation function should evaluate states, rather than actions like your reflex agent evaluation function did. You may use any tools at your disposal for evaluation, including your search code from the last project. With depth 2 search, your evaluation function should clear the smallClassic layout with one random ghost more than half the time and still run at a reasonable rate (to get full credit, Pacman should be averaging around 1000 points when he's winning).

Grading: the autograder will run your agent on the smallClassic layout 10 times. We will assign points to your evaluation function in the following way:

If you win at least once without timing out the autograder, you receive 1 points. Any agent not satisfying these criteria will receive 0 points.

+1 for winning at least 5 times, +2 for winning all 10 times

+1 for an average score of at least 500, +2 for an average score of at least 1000 (including scores on lost games) +1 if your games take on average less than 30 seconds on the autograder machine, when run with --no-

graphics. The autograder is run on EC2, so this machine will have a fair amount of resources, but your personal computer could be far less performant (netbooks) or far more performant (gaming rigs).

The additional points for average score and computation time will only be awarded if you win at least 5 times.

You can try your agent out under these conditions with

python -q q5

To run it without graphics, use:

python -q q5 --no-graphics
