?This Project must be submitted on Blackboard via the allocated folder.
?Students must work as groups in which each group has up to 4 students.
?Email submission will not be accepted.
?You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented, marks will be reduced for poor presentation. (for diagrams it is recommended to add them inside a textbox to achieve a good management of the document layout)
?You MUST show all your work.
?Late submission will result in ZERO marks being awarded.
Identical copy from students or other resources will result in ZERO marks for all involved
Part 1: Planning Phase
Under this section, include the following
•Project identification
•Feasibility studies (Technical Feasibility, Economic Feasibility and Organizational Feasibility)
•Adopt an SDLC development methodology
•Develop a work plan
•Develop a staff plan
Part 2: Analysis phase
In this section, you are required to determine the main business requirements; consequently, the following must be included:
?Create Use Cases
?Model Processes (Data Flow Diagramming)
?Model data (ER modeling)
Part 3: Design phase
Under this section, include the following:
?Select an architecture design
?Screens Design (create the User Interface Structure Design), and sample system screens. No need to be in HTML, they can be just drawing of how the screen will appear.
Class Design Diagram