Animal Lovers League (ALL) is a registered charity and home to over 500 dogs and cats, and the animals under their care consist of vagrant strays, abandoned, traumatised, abused and rescued animals. ALL is strictly no-kill. Description sourced from: You have been approached by Animal Lovers League (ALL) to develop a web strategy campaign to communicate and engage with local Singaporean animal lovers to encourage them to volunteer with the organisation. Write a web communications strategy for the target audience described above including, as a minimum requirement, a description of the target audience, publics and stakeholders, the problem/opportunity, a main campaign aim, campaign message/s, SMART objectives, associated tactics, and evaluation methods. This should be approximately 700 words. Marks will be assigned for your analysis and application of the supplied information and of the case study (from your own research), description of the target audience, appropriateness and effectiveness of the campaign elements and overall presentation including structure, spelling and grammar. Elements to focus on for 10-point plan • Pay careful attention to these parts: * Background * SWOT analysis * Identifying an issue / problem / opportunities * Target Audience / Stakeholder identification * Goals / SMART Objectives * Message and Slogan * Strategy Statement * Strategies * Channel and corresponding Tactic * Evaluation