Computer Science: Number Conversion and Logic Circuits
Part A
Table 1.
- Please follow the instructions to complete Table 1.
- Convert the decimal number to octal.
- Convert the octal number to hexadecimal.
- Convert the hexadecimal number to binary.
- Add the two binary numbers.
- Convert the binary sum to hexadecimal.
- Convert the hexadecimal number to octal.
- Convert the Octal number to decimal.
2.Please follow the instructions
- Convert the decimal fraction 0.453125 to binary.
- Convert the binary fraction 0.10000001 to decimal.
- Convert the octal fraction 0.370 to decimal.
- Simplify the following Boolean expression:
- (x + y) z' + y(x' + z')
- x'z (xy + y'z' + yz)
- y' (xz' + y'z)'
- (y + z')' (x' + y)'
4.Using the truth table,prove the following expression
- (x + y z)' + y' (x y + z) = x' y' +x' z' + y'z
- (yz' + x'z)' = xy' + xz + y'z'
- Construct a truth table for R(x,y,z) = x' y + x' z + y' z' and draw the corresponding logic circuits
Part B
You need to develop a special calculator with the following features
- Add 2 number.
- Divide 2 number.
- Multiply 2 number.
- Modulus of 2 numbers.
- Convert Decimal to Binary
- Convert Decimal to Octal
- Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal
- Produce the pseudocode for each of the features.
- Write a complete C program that allows the user to choose the feature from a menu and display the result.
- Each of the feature must be implemented using appropriate C function.
- Produce test cases for each function that you have developed.