This ICA aims to test the learners ability in applying the concept of compensation and the various retention strategies taught in class on a chosen organization.
Learners will conduct research the various market sound remuneration strategies and make recommendations to the chosen organisation to either improve or introduce its Total Remuneration Framework with the aim of attracting, retaining and motivating talent. The recommendations made should be supported and validated by compensation theories in line with the Singapore Employment Act.
Guideline on Assignment
Select any organisation that you are familiar with (it can be your current employer, or any registered business entity in Singapore).
About the Organization
Recommendations (Select A or B)
Recommend improvements to the organisation’s existing remuneration strategies to address the challenges identified in part 2 (c). Provide detailed explanations where possible.
Recommend a new remuneration strategy to the organisation and explain how your recommendation can improve its attraction and retention for its human resources.
Pay Structure
With the increasing importance of data security, privacy and protection of individual rights, organizations are required to have a comprehensive, secure and private plan which complies with legislative law. You are to assume and select a new key job family to be added to your chosen organisation. Present the job structure using Table A template below. Example of job families you may consider: