Studio room is designed to be maintained at 24qC and 50% relative humidity and experiences a sensible cooling load of 60 kW and a latent load of 40 kW. The air conditioning system is equipped with a cooling coil followed by a heating coil. The cooling coil has been selected to provide fully saturated outlet air at 8qC. Determine the following:i. The supply air conditionsii. The supply air flow rateiii. The amount of reheating providedA Psychrometric Chart [normal temperature, sea level] is presented in ASHRAE PSYCHROMETRIC CHART NO. 1.The Psychrometric Chart with all the state points indicated must be attached to the answer scripts and submitted.b) In the above studio room, a heating coil had to be employed in order to achieve the required room conditions. In most countries in hot and humid climates, such a strategy may not be allowed unless the reheating is provided by means of renewable energy. Suggest another technology/concept that can be considered as an alternative design strategy to meet the required specifications of the studio room. Discuss some of the merits and demerits of your proposed technology/concept.