Question 1 Examine whether the three groups in q4: “Overall, how satisfied are you with your Dell computer system?” (with Data Type set as Character, and Modelling Type as Nominal) can be derived from the ratings of q8_1 to q8_13 on “How much do you agree that Dell computers does?” when these variables are considered together. You must assemble and analyse relevant JMP outputs. Hence recommend to Dell’s management appropriate actions.Question 2 The survey requested customers to rate Dell’s performances in several areas of its products and services. However, these areas are too wide for Dell’s management to identify its key strengths. Solve this problem with an analysis on q8_1 to q8_13 by:
(a) Evaluate the appropriateness of using Factor Analysis by Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity. Note: In JMP, choose Multivariate Analysis -> Principal Component, instead of Factor Analysis directly.
(b) Compare the number of factors to be extracted based on Eigenvalues, Cumulative Percentage and Scree Plot methods (c) Use the Eigenvalues method’s result as the number of factors to perform a Factor Analysis. Note: Choose Principal Component for Factoring method and Prior Community, and Varimax for Rotation Method. Appraise the dominant variables in each factor and the variance each factor accounts for. Hence interpret the factors and recommend appropriate actions to Dell’s management. Question 3 Dell’s management wants to understand the profiles of its customers. Analyse the characteristics of its customers with a hierarchical Clustering Analysis, based on their responses in q10_1 to q10_13, through the following process: (a) With relevant JMP output, determine an appropriate number of clusters with comparable membership sizes. Present the Cluster’s Frequency Distribution Table without the detailed classification list
b) Based on the Final Cluster Centres table, prepare a profile for each of the clusters. Interpret each cluster and recommend appropriate actions to the management. – January Semester 2021 SECTION B Dell’s management has requested you for a presentation on the main findings and recommendations in the report. Prepare a video recording of the presentation of at least 3 minutes but not exceeding 6 minutes. There are two methods for ECA video assignment submission; either Record Media or Upload Media. For Upload Media, please note that your file size should be no more than 500MB and the format is in .mp4. SECTION C Prepare a set of PowerPoint presentation upon which the video presentation is based. Please note that the PowerPoint must be converted to PDF before submission to Canvas