CI 458 Inquiry Based Learning
Utilizing a Simulation Recently we’ve been launched into a new world of online learning. Teachers were forced to look at education differently while still providing high quality engaging activities. One method of providing these activities was to use online simulations. In this activity you will use the balance act lab to investigate seesaws and forces. You should explore the simulation using the remote lab activity sheet Balancing Act Remote Lab (‘file’ ‘make a copy’ of this Google Doc version, or download the Word version linked above). Acting as a student complete the activity sheet. You do NOT need to submit the activity sheet to Blackboard. Once you have worked through the activity, complete the reflection questions below for submission. 1. What challenges did you encounter as you worked through the activity? 2. What worked well for you during the activity? 3. How can an online simulation be used to support inquiry-based instruction in science? What challenges might occur when implementing this in a remote situation? What could you do as an instructor to overcome those challenges? 4. How might an online simulation be used in a face to face teaching situations