ITS130 Database Essentials
Complete a written research report focused on common methods of exploiting and attacking databases, as well as methods needed to secure databases against those attacks. This research report should be and adhere to APA formatting guidelines. You should cite at least two, preferably three, scholarly sources.
Your work on this assignment should reflect your ability to:
Describe potential system attacks and the actors that might perform them. (Potential system attacks)
Describe different types of attacks and their characteristics. (Types of attacks)
Describe how the fundamental concepts of cyber defense can be used to provide system security. (Concepts of cyber defense)
Describe cyber defense tools, methods, and components. (Cyber defense tools, methods, and components)
Apply cyber defense methods to prepare a system to repel attacks. (Cyber defense methods)
Describe appropriate measures to be taken should a system compromise occur. (System compromise)
Identify and describe common security concerns in database management systems. (Security concerns)