Your actual research is to be in a written form. You will be graded on spelling, grammar, syntax as well as content. There will be specific items which you are to include in both your written presentations. They are included on a separate sheet of paper. Utilize this outline to make sure that your written presentation is complete. If you have any questions, just ask. For your written paper you need to use an approved writing style (APA or MLA, either will do). Be sure to include an introduction, main body of the report, either a hypothesis or profile (depending which type of research you are doing) and conclusion. Your style manual will show you how to document quotations, references cited, and abridged bibliography. Your written papers will have two grades. The first will be for the spelling, grammar, syntax, and punctuation. The second will be for overall content. The two grades will be combined to represent 10% of your overall grade. CAUTION: If you have too many errors in the first portion of the grading this will have a determining factor in your overall grade. Two rules of writing in my class are: First, do not start a sentence with a conjunction. Second, do not use contractions in your written documents. Write out the words and let the power in your words come through. WRITTEN PRESENTATION Introduction of Speaker: Introduction of Topic: Theoretical Application: Facts as they relate to the Topic: Hypothesis or Profile: Findings from research (Methods included): Theory as it relates to your Topic: Conclusion: Every book report should be based upon an outline. Read the book, record your impressions in note form as you go, then assemble your notes and put them in order, to evaluate the book. The following outline should assist you in organizing your thoughts. Follow the outline when writing your report. Remember, you are either writing a report on a book you used for your Research paper or another book that in some way illustrates some aspect of the class, either police, crimes, criminals or prisons. A BOOK REPORT OUTLINE Introductory Observations Who is the author? What type of book has the author written? Does the author have a stated or unstated reason for writing the book? The Plot What is the basic plot? How does the plot develop? The Characters Who are the characters? Identify the Main Characters How are the characters portrayed? Give three examples from three different chapters. The Setting Where does the story unfold? When do the events of the story occur? How effectively is the setting established? Conclusion Evaluate the author’s style. Did it appeal to you? What are your overall impressions of the book? Did you enjoy reading it?