The assignment is further broken down into four phases.
Phase 1: Planning your Game: Visual and Textual Storyboards:
In game creation, there is always an artist rendering of the game’s characters or the game in action. The storyboard needs to contain at least six images showing the game (Visual Storyboards) as well as the textual storyboards. The storyboard cannot be “screen captures” of the actual Alice electronic game and must follow the template from the textbook (page 26). If the storyboard is hand drawn, it will need to be scanned for submittal. You will be graded on effort (number of scenes, color), detail of images, and appealing overall layout.
The following games will not be accepted:
Tic-Tac-Toe, Hangman, Chess, Checkers, Memory Board Game (flipping Cards), and Boat Race or Car Race that is code based on Boat Race. Instructor reserves the right to deny board games that have been submitted in previous semesters.
Phase 2: Game and Audience Selection:
Create a computer version of any of the basic video games, board games, or animation on the market.
The student must also select a specific age group (listed below) as game players’ audience.
The design of the game must take the audience’s age into account. The game will be graded on appeal to
the selected audience, completeness and gameplay.
Age Groups ? 5 – 9, 9-13, 13-21, 25-35, 40-60, 60+ (years old)
Items listed below must be in Game or Animation as appropriate: 5 points will be deducted from project for each Item that is not included. Code for the ScoreKeeper and Timer are not counted toward the 10 instructions below.
Animation has scene change Billboard Comments Events (3 or more) Score Keeper (Game) Methods (3 or more) Timer - Animation Timer – Game Comments
Select at least 10 of the following skills to demonstrate your understanding of Alice programming concepts:
Comment your code to show where these skills are used in the project. **You will lose 5 points for each
method that does not have comments.
Rubric for Game & Animation
3-D Text Functions Parameter Variable
Boolean Logic List Random Number Sound
Collision Control Loops Random Motion Vehicle Method
Dummy Camera Math Expression Recursion While Control
Create & Use Function Nested Ifs Relational Operators Part named function
Students will submit the Term Project in a zip file. The zip file and each one of the files will be named
using your Name. Below are the files that you need to include in your zip folder: Review the following
video to learn how to zip files into a folder: How to Create a Zip folder
1. Visual Storyboards (electronic/scanned)
2. Textual Storyboards
3. PowerPoint presentation
4. Alice world
Phase 4: Presentation:
Each student will prepare a PowerPoint presentation based on the following requirements:
1. At least 15 slides
2. First slide has Student Name and Course/Section
3. Last slide is a "Questions?” slide to give the class an opportunity to ask you questions about your
project (this slide is not required for online students)
4. Should have some of the storyboards (Visual and textual) in it
5. Along with other slides in your presentation, please create a dedicated slide for each topic below:
a. features you have and have added to the game
b. the challenges you had
c. what did you learn through this experience?
d. why you chose this game?
e. PowerPoint Presentation - 15 Slides
PowerPoint Presentation - 15 Slides
Item Points
14 Slides (+ APA Slide) 14
Classroom Presentation or ZOOM 15
Visual Storyboard (not screen capture) 2
Textual Storyboard 2
Methods/Instructions included in
Challenges 2
Learning Experience 2
Explanation for choice of game 2
Question Slide 2
APA Slide with 3 research sources and
properly cited per APA Citation
The textbook discussions and lessons may not have covered every aspect of programming the game. Students will not only need to research some code that may be required, but also research code to add gameplay features, and targeted audience requirements and preferences, i.e., timers, scorekeepers, collision control, and how to use primitive methods and controls.
While you may research videos and/or tutorials to help with gameplay features, you should not submit games that you have found on the Internet as you own. Faculty maintains a repository of Alice 2.5 Internet games, as well as, games that have been submitted in past semesters.
APA Citations are required. Use the knowledge you learned in the APA Academic Integrity Quiz/Assignment to
correctly cite your work. You are required to have at least 3 citations in your project.
If you submit work that is not your own (plagiarism) you will fail the entire course and an incident report will be
submitted to the Office of Student Conduct for appropriate disciplinary action.