1. Use your pre-written outline and introductory paragraph to guide you in your writing.
2. Write the rough draft of the body of your essay: include at least 2 body paragraphs (if you can do 3, that's great!) .
3. Follow the PEEL technique:
i. Use a topic sentence detailing your point.
ii. Give 2 specific examples as evidence.
iii. Explain and expand on each example in order to prove your point.
iv. Link your ideas to answer the so what? factor, making your reader understand the greater significance of your examples in the end.
4. Use 12 pt Times New Roman font, left justified, 1” margins, double space, & indent for paragraphs.
5. Please include the rubric in the submission.
6. Please review the sample Essay
- but do not borrow any ideas from it.
For years, minorities in Canada have been fighting for their right to be treated equally. They have always been portrayed in a negative light due to biased judgements. Marginalized people are often discriminated against, especially in the healthcare system where they are the most vulnerable and in need of care. A healthcare facility should be a place where an individual can seek help comfortably and without being judged. However, that is not the case for people of colour who “have long complained that doctors and nurses routinely dismiss their complaints of pain because even highly educated medical professionals perpetuate stereotypes about drug use” (Trichur, 2020, para 16). Instead of categorizing people, we should learn to recognize and celebrate their differences. Healthcare workers have the ability to provide a safe space for minorities by creating an inclusive environment, having the correct attitude, and being an ally.
Healthcare providers should set up a welcoming space. One way they can do that is by putting posters and magazines that show people of different ethnicities. When patients enter a healthcare facility and are surrounded by pictures of people that look like them, it can make them feel represented. As a result, this can help them feel more seen instead of just being another statistic. The other way they can create an accepting environment is by adding multilingual signage. That way, patients that are not fluent in English can be at ease when they read a language that they are familiar with. Canada is a country that is full of immigrants, so it would make sense to use signs that cater to them. All of those changes can help patients feel that we’re all one community even though we come from different backgrounds.
Furthermore, they need to implement a greeting routine. They can start by keeping eye contact when they talk to a patient. Eye contact is important when you communicate with anyone because it shows that you are paying attention and care about what they have to say. They can also state their pronoun when they introduce themselves to a patient. There are minorities that do not feel comfortable sharing their pronouns unless someone else uses them. Thus, they would feel relieved and encouraged if a healthcare worker initiates it. This kind of gestures might seem small to some individuals, but to others, it is a sign of respect and sincerity.
However, these changes might be useless if healthcare workers do not advocate and selfeducate for their patients. A healthcare provider should speak up if they witness a co-worker discriminating against a patient. Nevertheless, it has to be done in a way that does not negatively affect the patient. For example, a healthcare worker should speak to that colleague away from the patient, and if needed bring it up to the supervisor, HR, or the Diversity and Inclusion office if there is one in the institution. The thing that minorities need the most is the staff’s support and the knowledge that they are in safe hands. Healthcare providers should also regularly attend antiracism training for healthcare workers. It is important for them to always educate themselves and challenge their biases. That way they cannot cause harm to the patient, be it intentionally or unintentionally. All of these things not only can help improve the hospital’s reputation but also make patients come back.
All in all, healthcare professionals’ actions can make a positive difference in marginalized people’s lives. Establishing a more diverse place, taking care, and not being bias towards minority patients can greatly impact their experience in the healthcare facility. A healthcare provider is a noble profession that aims to tend to the patients, not to discriminate against them. Minorities are always prejudiced against in their everyday lives. So, it is the healthcare workers duty to make sure that the patients have a pleasant encounter at the hospital. At the end of the day, a hospital is a place to heal, not a place to fear.
• essay comm 1003 rubric.pdf essay comm 1003 rubric.pdf - Alternative Formats (288.938 KB)
Learning Objectives:
• Create logical, cohesive introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs using outlines and drafts.
• Revise and edit your own writing to improve organization, sentence structure, grammar and mechanics.
This is the final complete draft of your essay: How My Profession Can Create an Inclusive Environment It should include a title, an introduction, at least 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion. It should be approximately 2 pages in length No secondary sources are encouraged - besides the article read in class, which must be accurately documented (and will be graded as part the grammar section).All suggestions should be original ideas - if secondary sources are used, they should only support the need or reason for the changes.Do not use the Internet to find suggestions; use your own experience and class discussions.
The essay is worth15%. It is your final assessment and will be marked as an assignment showing the synthesis of all we have done in the course.
1. APA format should be followed: Times New Roman 12 pt font, 1" margins, left justified, double spaced, and indent for paragraphs.
2. Please use your rough draft feedback to create your final draft. You have received feedback for most of the essay, except the conclusion, which we covered in class.
3. Please submit your complete essay as an attachment with your name in the file name: Myfullname_ final essay in a word doc or pdf file on or before the due date. Please include the rubric in your submission.