Research Assignment The Research assignment for MGMT
384 covers a review and assessment of best practices or innovative programs within three HRM functions and or programs in organizations. The research project examines current research and applications of best practices in human resource management. Best practices represent innovative HR practices and programs that have an important impact. in a company or organization .
The research project involved two steps.
The first is to select three major HRM functions or programs. You can select both a HRM function and programs. You must select three. If you select HRM functions, the important examples are recruitment, compensation, training, performance evaluations, employee relations, management development, succession planning, and health and safety, etc. You can use your textbook as a source for other possible topics. However, it must be HR related.HR programs would include specific examples of training programs such as diversity, sexual harassment, communications, etc. Other examples of HRM programs can include employee recognition or rewards programs, employee wellness programs, etc.
The second step is to use the Internet or Web page of a company or organization and research the important components of these HRM functions or programs. Remember, the emphasis is on best or innovative practices. These best practices or programs must be current, within last three years and must relate to a company or organization.
For the assignment, describe as completely as possible, THREE best practice or innovations can come from one company. Or, you can select three companies with a best practice from each of them.
Discuss what makes these programs best practices or innovations.
Describe the impact that these have within an organization. Finally, describe your learning from this research. What did you learn about HRM and these best practices or innovative programs?Â
The assignment is due on or before December 13, 2021.. It must be typed and double-spaced. It needs to be around 3-4 pages. It must be submitted to Canvas. Please have a cover sheet with your name. Identify on the cover sheet the HR functions or programs that you selected for your research.