Please write the Sql to answer the following questions. You may use subquery but all questions need to be completed in One Sql. You also need to use the following tables (Student and GPA) to answer Q1— Q3.
Student_ID Student_Name Ad dre ss_1 Ad dre ss_2 City State Zip Country |
Student_ID Course ID Course Name Semester Year Credit Hr GPA______ |
Atlanta, GA - United States
New Orleans, LA - United States
Seoul - Korea
is the CITY in Korea
2. Please find the student (Student ID and Student Name) who has the highest GPA in MGS 3100 (Course Name) in Fall 2006.
3. List all the students (Student ID and Student Name) who enrolled in MGS 4020 in Spring 2008.
Please write the SQL to answer the following questions. You may use subquery but all questions need to be completed in ONE SQL. You also need to use the following tables (ACCOUNT and TRANSACTION) to answer Q4 and Q5.
The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) is a North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), for classifying industries by a four-digit code. The first two digits of the code identify the major industry group, the third digit identifies the industry group, and the fourth digit identifies the industry. For example:
541 Grocery Stores
5411 Grocery Stores
5412 Convenience Stores
542 Meat And Fish (Seafood) Markets, Including Freezer Provisioners
5421 Meat And Fish (Seafood) Markets, Including Freezer Provisioners
543 Fruit And Vegetable Markets
5431 Fruit And Vegetable Markets
544 Candy, Nut, And Confectionery Stores
5441 Candy, Nut, And Confectionery Stores
545 Dairy Products Stores
546 Retail Bakeries
5461 Retail Bakeries
549 Miscellaneous Food Stores
5499 Miscellaneous Food Stores
4. Find the total number of transactions and transaction amount (in Nov 2007) for SIC 56 by SCF code (first 3 digits of the zip code).
5. We need to segment the customers by customer spending behavior based upon
i) number of transactions,
ii) total dollar amount
iii) SIC penetration
iv) spending categories.
You need to develop 5 clusters (A, B, C, D, and E) with the following characteristics:
• A totalSlCCount >6, countSIC54 >0, countSIC53 >0
• B totalSlCCount >= 5, totalVisits >1
• C totalVolume <500, totalVisits <=10
• D countSIC54 >0, countSIC55 >0
• E Else
Your output needs to have Customer ID and Cluster only. (25 points)
TRANSACTION Merchant ID Merchant Name Merchant SIC Merchant Zip Customer_Name Customer_Address Customer_City Customer_State Customer_Zip T ran Date Trans_Amount |
EXISTING_CUSTOMER Customer_ID Customer_FirstName Customer_LastName Address 1 Address 2 City State Zip Country |
6. You may have heard about the address matching exercise. For example: A company has a customer database which includes all existing customers' information.
We would like to determine the number of existing customers by State from daily transaction records. i.e. the number of existing customers who made the purchases(s) recently from daily transactions and as result, we will be able to determine the number of repetitive customers.
You need to write a SQL that compares the addresses (TRANSACTION) to the address attributes of a reference dataset (EXISTING_CUSTOMER) to determine whether the first 20 characters of a particular address (from the TRANSACTION table) would be the same as an address of the existing customer address (from the EXISTING_CUSTOMER table).
You may also need to consider additional attributes which improve the accuracy of the address matching.