.doc part:
1. Use pseudo-code to design a program “how to put on a piece of clothing.”The piece of clothing is your choice.To get full credit be detailed and make comment.
2. Identify four sites on the internet where you might go to answer a C-programming question. List the hyperlinks and give a reason why you think these sites are worth considering.
3. Use the following skeleton to answer the following questions:
-Line 1: #include
-Line 2: int main()
-Line 3: {
-Line 4:
-Line 5: return 0;
-Line 6: }
a) What is Line 1 called? What is its use?
b) What is the significance of Line 3 and Line 6?
c) What the significance of Line 5?
d) What would go into Line 4?
4. What is the purpose of /* */ or //? Why is this feature of C important?
5. What are the two major components of “Efficacy”? Explain each.
6. How would you test the codes you have written? That is, how do I know I have made the most efficacious code?
7. Define to compile. Does compile just mean the code has not errors?
Start by using “the skeleton code” and create the following 5 codes/programs.
Professor Jones is studying Newton. He wants to explore ???= ?????? and F=m(.
He has come to you as a super programmer and he wants 2 sets of code in which he can change the values of m, a and F and run comparisons. He wants printouts of F along with m and a. He wants units given for each.
1. You are to code for a keyboard input for m and a; then by formula, find F
2. You are to code for a keyboard input for F and a; then by formula, find m
3. You are to code for a keyboard input for m and F; then by formula find a
Now Dr Jones wants to find out what happens to F if he holds m constant and varies a using this formula:
Choose a constant m and choose several v values and several t values to provide Dr Jones 3 answers.
Make sure that you comment everything you do. The answer must make some sense.
-print the address of that text entry
-print the decimal value of text entry (Confirm by ASCII Table)
-print the text with at least two field widths (see text, p. 39-40)
-print "text" as %c (What happens to text output?)
-print "text" as % s (What happens to text output?)
-What do you observe with %c versus %s?
-print the address of the ASCII entry
-print the hexadecimal value of ASCII entry. (What do you observe?)
-print what happens if you scanf in "%f" and printf in "%d"
-print what happens if you scanf in "%d" and printf in "%f"
-What happens if you add int and float values and print in "d"?
-Explain what happens?