• Start writing non-trivial C programs
• Practice with data structures
• Simulate some CPU scheduling algorithms
• Get ready for Test 1
1 Project Description
In this project, you will write a program called cpu_scheduler, which simulates Shortest Job First (SJF) and Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF) CPU scheduling algorithms. The program will be invoked as follows: ./cpu_scheduler <inputfile> <outputfile> <algorithm> [limit] <inputfile> is the name of a text file including the information about the processes to be scheduled and it will have the following format:
<pid> <arrival-time> <burst-time> – <pid> is a positive integer number representing the process id of the process – <arrival-time> is a non-negative integer number given in milliseconds representing the arrival time of the process – <burst-time> is a positive integer number indicating the amount of CPU-time that the process requires For example, the following can be a sample input file:
1 0 4
2 4 19
3 9 5
4 14 3
5 16 2
6 23 2
Each line of the input file represents a different process, starts without any space, ends with a newline, and there is a single space (' ') in between each field in a line. Note that the example input file provided above is just for illustration purposes. Your program will be tested with much larger input files. Here is more information about the content of the input file:
All three fields are guaranteed to appear in the input file.
Processes are sorted by their arrival times in increasing order.
Processes have unique arrival times.
Arrival time of the first process is guaranteed to be 0.
<outputfile> is the name of the text file including the result of the simulation. You will receive the name as a command line argument, create the file, and fill its content. Each line of the output file will contain the simulation result of a different process previously provided in the input file and the results will have the following format: <pid> <arrival-time> <finish-time> <waiting-time> The results in the output file should appear in sorted (increasing) order with respect to their <finish-time>. Each line of the output file should start without any space and should end with a newline, where there is a single space (' ') in between each field in a line. Here is more information about the content of the output file: <finish-time> is a positive integer number in milliseconds representing the completion time of the process with respect to its <arrival-time> <waiting-time> is a non-negative integer number in milliseconds representing the total time the process waited in the ready queue <algorithm> can be one of the followings:
SJF will simulate the Shortest Job First CPU scheduling algorithm and SRTF will simulate the ShortestRemaining Time First CPU scheduling algorithm. All units are in milliseconds and all values will be integers. If there is a tie, then use FCFS’s rule for that case to break the tie. [limit] is an optional command-line argument. If this argument is not provided, then you will simulate the whole input file until its end; otherwise, you will only simulate the first [limit] processes. For instance, if limit is given as 10, then you will only simulate the first 10 processes and you program will terminate without simulating the rest of the input file. [limit] is a positive integer less than or equal to the number of lines in the input file. For example, if your program is invoked as: ./cpu_scheduler in.txt out.txt SJF then it will read the input file "in.txt", compute the finish time and waiting time of each process provided in this input file by simulating the SJF algorithm, and write the result for each process to "out.txt".
Note that input and output file names can be different. Assume that the content of "in.txt" is as the sample input file provided above. Then for this invocation, the content of the output file should be as follows:
1 0 4 0
2 4 23 0
5 16 25 7
6 23 27 2
4 14 30 13
3 9 35 21
For the same input file content, if your program is invoked as:
./cpu_scheduler in.txt out.txt SRTF
2 Development
You will develop your program in a Unix environment using the C programming language. gcc must be used as the compiler. You will be provided a Makefile and your program should compile without any errors/warnings using this Makefile. Black-box testing will be applied and your program’s output will be compared to the correct output. A sample black-box testing script will be provided in BlackBoard; make sure that your program produces success messages in that test. A more complicated test (possibly more then one test) will be applied to grade your program. Submissions not following the specified rules here will be penalized.
3 Checking Memory Leaks
You will need to make dynamic memory allocation. If you do not deallocate the memory that you allocatedpreviously using free(), it means that your program has memory leaks. To receive full credit, your program should be memory-leak free. You can use valgrind to check the memory-leaks in your program. valgrind will output: "All heap blocks were freed - no leaks are possible" if your program is memory-leak free.
4 Submission
Submission will be done through Blackboard strictly following the instructions below. Your work will be penalized 5 points out of 100 if the submission instructions are not followed. In addition, memory leaks will be penalized with a total of 5 points without depending on the amount of the leak. Similarly, compilation warnings will also be penalized with a total of 5 points without depending on the type or the number of warnings. You can check the compilation warnings using the -Wall flag of gcc.
4.1 What to Submit
1. cpu_scheduler.c: including the source code of your program.
2. README.txt: including the following information:
(a) Your name and ID.
(b) Average Waiting Time and Average Turn Around Time values calculated using the entire input file provided in the black-box test. Compare the values of the simulated algorithms and briefly explain if the calculated values make sense to you. For instance, would you expect a lower or higher average waiting/turnaround time for SJF compared to SRTF and what did you get? Elaborate on your thinking.
4.2 How to Submit
1. Create a directory and name it as your UofL ID number. For example, if a student’s ID is 1234567, then the name of the directory will be 1234567.
2. Put all the files to be submitted (only the ones asked in the What to Submit section above) into this directory.
3. Zip the directory. As a result, you will have the file 1234567.zip.
4. Upload the file 1234567.zip to Blackboard using the "Attach File" option. You do not need to write anything to the "Submission" and "Comments" sections.
5. Your project will be graded only once! If you make multiple attempts of submission before the no-penalty deadline, then only your latest attempt will be graded. If your first submission ends up being after the no-penalty deadline, then it will be graded immediately and you won’t be allowed to make any other submissions! Grading of your program will be done by an automated process. Your programs will also be passed through a copy-checker program which will examine the source codes if they are original or copied. We will also examine your source file(s) manually to check if you followed the specified implementation rules, if any.
6 Changes
1.1: What to submit part was missing, added in this version