Background Class, We are assessing the Icarus myth's lesson/warning , so let's build up our foundation and understanding of myths and mythology. Research: What are myths? What is mythology?
Why do we study myths, and what is their inherent value to our culture? Research: Icarus myth and decipher the lesson/warning(s) the myth provides for our own behavior? Why is this so dangerous? Item Stage II:
Research Question and Answer Topic/ Thesis for this paper:
1. Develop a research question based on some aspect of the myth's lesson(s). For example: Is the Icarus myth's lesson of respecting the rules and technology still applicable today? Should we avoid this behavior or pitfall when it comes to our (cell phones, A.I, drones, virtual reality) ? And if so, how/why?
2. Answer your question to the best of your ability and based on some research. For example: Yes, the myth's lesson of respecting the power of technology is still applicable today, especially when it comes to our cell phones.
Cell phone addiction ruins relationships, while obsessive social media use causes depression in its users. We need to respect the power of this technology and follow more stricter rules and guidelines so we do not fall like Icarus.
Intro paragraph: When you edit your question and answer, you may use them together as your topic and thesis statement for this paper. Your thesis will go at the end of the first paragraph. Start your paragraph by discussing myths, the value of myths and provide a synopsis of the Icarus myth and the myth's lesson.
Some ideas to consider: Myths can basically offer us insights into our own behavior- they often provide lessons or warnings-- so you may develop a question and answer/topic as long as you can relate it back( in some way) to the lesson or warnings Consider:
Cell phone or social media addictions, selfies & plastic surgery , family/friend/relationship breakdowns due to social media and cell phone use, N.P.D. alive and well today.
How to avoid addictions could be a topic-- tips for you and friends; Likes" and notification buttons by social media companies have created addiction-- the myth also warns about hubris- excessive pride-- how can that lesson connect to today?
Where in life does excessive pride or hubris or the rules don't apply to me lead to the downfall of someone or some aspect of society? Think of people bribing school boards to let their children in without proper testing.
Body : Maybe some more background on your topic/ or explore the myth in greater detail Provide some insight into your question and answer-- why is this important to consider III.
Body: Start supporting your claims here-- evidence and some insights-- examples-- transition into this para. with a topic sent.: One way the myth's lesson is still applicable today Body paragraphs cont.
Provide additional support paragraphs: evidence, quotes, facts, insights, interviews and polls( very effective and interesting-- I recommend these, students in other classes used online polls they created and sent via social media, and others performed online interviews );
Be sure to always transition with a new topic sentence VII. Conclusion Paragraphs Personal tips, suggestions, insights and personal anecdotes -- restate your main thesis in a new way to your reader Here you can finally use the first person "I"