Task 1:
Task 2:
Let�s turn V47 (2020 Presidential Vote) into a Binary (Biden/Trump) by eliminating (SYSMIS) those who voted for other candidates. We�ll create a new variable, TWOPARTY:
RECODE V47 ( 1=1)(2=2)(ELSE=SYSMIS) into TWOPARTY.
Run a Frequency on that new variable to make sure it aligns with this output. Category �1� indicates a vote for Biden, �2� for Trump. Biden did much better in this survey than in the actual election, even considering sampling error:
Task 3:
Task 4 :
New Procedure � controlled CROSSTABS (revised SPSS MANUAL, CROSSTABS)
You will now use a third variable as a control. This control can be used for either an explanatory link (why are your IV and DV connected as they are?) or interactive/specification effect (what are the effects of two variables on the outcome). Repeat the steps in Section A for each of your controlled crosstabs.
Task 1: Are differences in presidential voting between Black and Non-Black citizens explained by their different views towards racial injustice? Use V99 (Do police treat blacks or whites better?) by recoding into a new binary variable POLICE (too few listed category 3, so combine it with 2):
RECODE V99 (1=1)(2,3=2) INTO POLICE.
Your new variable, POLICE, should list as (run a FREQUENCY):
Task 2:
Run a controlled CROSSTABS with RACE as your IV, TWOPARTY as your DV, and POLICE as your control. Again, ask for COL percentages and CHISQUARE. What do these tables and chi-square statistics tell you? Discuss in detail. Are your original racial differences altered? Are they less or more pronounced for each category? Fully explain, with both percentage differences and chi-square what you have found.
Task 3:
Run a controlled CROSSTABS with RACE as your IV, TWOPARTY as your DV, and INCOME as your control. Again, ask for COL percentages and CHISQUARE.